Best Print Management Software – 2023 Reviews & Comparison

Print Management Software Guide

Print management software is a type of tool that enables organizations to track and manage printing operations. It can be used for both local printers and network printers, allowing users to monitor printer usage and set rules such as who can print, how much they can print, what type of documents they can print, etc. Print management software also makes it possible to secure confidential business documents so that only authorized personnel have access to them.

The software provides the ability to centrally manage both physical printers and virtual ones that are hosted in the cloud. It allows administrators to set up rules that control who has access to a particular printer or document and also enable them to see usage history reports. Administrators typically use this information to optimize their printing environment by using less paper or setting up quotas per user or department. This kind of reporting is especially useful for tracking cost savings initiatives related to paperless workflows such as electronic signature capture, electronic payment acceptance, etc.

The most basic feature of print management software is the ability to restrict printing based on defined criteria such as user permissions or document type. This helps prevent unauthorized access to confidential information while still allowing employees with the appropriate privileges full access. The software also enables IT departments to efficiently deploy new printers with minimal disruption and help keep existing ones running smoothly by automatically routing jobs from different locations at once rather than manually adding each one separately. Additionally, many print management systems also have integrated security features like secure encryption protocols which guard against unsecured data transmission between devices.

Finally, some print management solutions are equipped with advanced features like rule-based printing logic which allow administrators to specify conditions when certain types of documents should be printed (e.g., a job should be printed in color only when certain words appear in the text). This helps organizations to reduce costs and improve efficiency by only printing what is absolutely necessary.

Overall, print management software is a powerful tool for streamlining the workflows within an organization. It helps to reduce waste and save time and money by automating many of the tasks related to printing documents. By controlling who can access certain documents and restricting printing based on criteria such as document type, organizations can ensure that confidential information remains secure while ensuring that their staff have the resources they need to get their jobs done efficiently.

What Features Does Print Management Software Provide?

  • Scheduling: Scheduling allows users to set up a predetermined schedule for when printers and copiers can be used. This ensures that all employees are able to access equipment when necessary, as well as helping to manage costs by reducing unnecessary printing.
  • Security & Auditing: Print management software also provides security features, allowing administrators to monitor print jobs, track user activities, and keep unauthorized usage from happening. With these features in place, businesses can rest assured that their data is secure and any potential threats are detected quickly.
  • Automated Print Workflow: Automated print workflow means that documents can be sent directly from the computer to the printer or copier with little intervention needed. This not only saves time but also makes it easier for employees to get their work done without having to manually transfer files between devices.
  • Cost Control & Tracking: Cost control and tracking features allow administrators to keep an eye on how much ink and paper is being used each month or year. This helps them understand where they may need to make adjustments in order to save money on printing costs over time.
  • Color Management & Calibration: Color management and calibration tools allow users to ensure accurate color reproduction of their documents and photographs by providing automated calibration of output devices like printers and copiers. These tools help ensure that colors remain consistent across different jobs, making it easier for businesses who rely on accurate color reproduction for their documents or products.

Different Types of Print Management Software

  • Print Cost Tracking Software: This type of print management software tracks the cost of printing jobs, allowing organizations to keep an eye on their spending. It also helps identify areas where costs can be reduced.
  • Document Security Software: This software provides protection for businesses’ confidential documents by preventing unauthorized access and changes. It can also track document changes, alerting users when unauthorized activities occur.
  • Print Job Scheduling Software: This type of software helps coordinate large-scale printing projects by automating tasks such as job scheduling, document preparation, and job status tracking.
  • Printer Monitoring Software: This type of software monitors the performance and usage of printers to identify potential problems before they become serious enough to cause costly downtime. It can also generate reports that help assess the overall performance of a printer fleet within a network.
  • Mobile & Cloud Printing Solutions: These solutions allow users to securely print from any mobile device or cloud-based application while ensuring secure access control and data encryption measures are in place.
  • Fleet Management Software: Fleet management software offers companies a comprehensive view into their entire printer fleet, allowing them to better manage resources and budgets as well as track usage patterns across multiple locations.
  • Print Queue Management Software: This software helps organizations to control and manage their printing queues, ensuring jobs are printed in the order they were received. It also helps optimize printer performance by suspending idle jobs or transferring them to another printer on the network.

Advantages of Using Print Management Software

Print Management Software offers a wide range of advantages, including:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Print Management Software streamlines the printing process by allowing users to set up rules and processes for how documents should be printed. This can help to reduce costs by eliminating wasteful print jobs, as well as freeing up time that would otherwise be spent on manually managing print jobs.
  2. Improved Security: Print Management Software provides additional security measures for printed documents, such as encryption, data loss prevention (DLP) controls, and audit logging to help protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. In addition, most software solutions also offer reporting features that allow administrators to easily monitor which documents are being printed and by whom.
  3. Enhanced Cost Savings: Print Management Software can make it easier to determine which printers in an organization are responsible for producing the most waste or using the most supplies. This data can then be used to optimize printer settings and improve cost savings. Additionally, some solutions may even be able to track user-specific costs associated with their printing habits.
  4. Automation & Convenience: Print Management Software makes it easy for organizations to automatically route print jobs based on customizable criteria such as username, workgroup, date/time of day, etc. This eliminates the need for manual intervention when multiple printers are being used in an office environment. In addition, many solutions also offer self-service options that enable users to submit their own print requests without having to contact an administrator each time they want something printed out.

What Types of Users Use Print Management Software?

  • Small Business Owners: These users typically need to manage print jobs for their small business, such as creating invoices, flyers or documents. They might also want to track ink and toner usage, monitor printer activity and reduce operational costs associated with printing.
  • Home Office Users: These users require basic print functions such as scanning a document or controlling the number of copies of a document that can be printed. They may also want to set up automatic duplex printing, which is useful for reducing paper waste.
  • Large Corporations: These users typically need comprehensive print management capabilities in order to save time and money on large-scale printing projects. They may need features such as secure authentication protocols, job tracking capabilities and advanced reporting tools.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools and universities require robust print management solutions in order to keep track of student assignments, attendance records and library materials. They also need features like customizable quotas and account setup options for teachers and students.
  • Government Entities: Government agencies often require detailed audits of their printing operations in addition to budgeting requirements and security protocols. Usage tracking systems are essential for this type of user since they must adhere to specific policies concerning confidential information.

How Much Does Print Management Software Cost?

The cost of print management software depends on the features and capabilities included in the software. Generally, entry-level solutions that support basic document printing and workflow processing can start as low as $500-1,000 with more advanced features costing upwards of several thousand dollars. Some higher-end solutions may even charge a subscription fee or require custom development to fit an organization’s unique needs. In addition to cost of the software itself, you may need to consider other associated costs such as hardware and server requirements, implementation costs, training fees, maintenance fees, and license fees which can add up depending on your individual needs. Ultimately it is important to evaluate each solution carefully to ensure that you are getting the most comprehensive solution for your budget.

What Does Print Management Software Integrate With?

Print management software can integrate with a wide variety of software types depending on the company’s needs. For example, device drivers can be integrated so that control of printers and other output devices is centralized, while document management systems ensure that all print jobs consist of the latest version of files. Additionally, file transfer protocols like FTP or SFTP can be used to securely move documents into and out of the print queue. Accounting programs like QuickBooks or Sage also offer integration with some print management software, allowing for easier tracking and billing for print costs. Finally, remote desktop applications like LogMeIn help provide access to these functions from anywhere in the world.

What are the Trends Relating to Print Management Software?

  1. Automation is becoming more and more important in print management software. This means that the software can do more of the work for you, such as automatically routing jobs, tracking jobs, and managing inventory. This makes it easier to manage a large variety of print jobs quickly and efficiently.
  2. Print management software is becoming more flexible. This means that it can be customized to fit the specific needs of each individual business or organization. This allows for more control over the entire workflow process from start to finish.
  3. With many different types of software out there, print management software is becoming more integrated with other systems. This allows for better communication between different aspects of your business, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and document management systems (DMS). It also makes it easier to track and manage print jobs across different platforms.
  4. As print jobs become more complex, security becomes a major issue. Print management software must have strong security protocols in place to ensure that sensitive data remains secure. It should also offer features like encryption and authentication to protect data from being accessed by unauthorized users.
  5. Print management software is becoming increasingly cost effective due to advancements in technology. The increased efficiency offered by these systems means that businesses are able to save money by reducing costs associated with manual labor, materials, and shipping costs.
  6. As businesses grow and evolve, so too must their print management solutions. Scalability is an important factor in today’s print management software, allowing businesses to easily add additional features or expand their system as their needs change over time.

How to Select the Best Print Management Software

On this page you will find available tools to compare print management software prices, features, integrations and more for you to choose the best software.

Selecting the right print management software can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you select the best solution for your needs:

  1. Identify Your Needs – Start by making a list of your printing requirements and desired features. Consider factors such as paper size, cost control and security measures.
  2. Research Solutions – Research different solutions and compare their features against your requirements. Talk to other organizations who have implemented similar systems and look for online reviews from experts or previous customers that have used the product in question.
  3. Consider Integration – Consider which other products you may need to integrate with your print management system, such as document storage solutions, networks, etc., so you can get an idea of how compatible they are with each other before making a decision.
  4. Cost/Benefit Analysis – Analyse the costs associated with implementing a particular system and weigh them against the benefits it will bring, such as increased productivity or cost savings in energy bills due to reduced printing processes or waste materials being recycled after use.
  5. Test Before Purchase – Finally, ask potential vendors for demo trials of their solutions so you get a feel for how it works before committing yourself to buying it!