Best RMM Software – 2023 Reviews & Comparison

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) Software Guide

Remote monitoring and management (RMM) software is a type of software designed to enable IT professionals to remotely monitor, manage, and maintain computer systems, networks, hardware and software applications. It is typically used to streamline the process of identifying, diagnosing and resolving problems quickly in order to maintain high availability of mission-critical systems.

RMM tools offer a comprehensive set of features that are designed to automate time-consuming tasks across multiple sites. These include automated discovery and inventory tracking; remote access control; patching support; configuration management; event logging and alerting; proactive issue resolution; system monitoring; third party reporting; asset management tracking for license compliance; remote scripting capabilities for automated execution of scripts for unique customer environments and user administration.

The benefits of using RMM solutions include reduced downtime from improved system visibility, proactively monitored health indicators on all systems, more efficient troubleshooting processes with improved audit trails for review during incident resolution activities, increased security from centralized control over user accounts on various sites or locations as well as central administration of tasks such as software updates across all locations. Additionally, RMM solutions can help organizations adhere more closely to industry standards due to its enhanced automation capabilities which can greatly reduce the amount of manual work required by IT staff when it comes to remediating issues. Furthermore, cost savings can be realized through their ability to detect issues faster so they can be addressed before they become major outages or costly repairs need to take place.

In addition to these core features, many RMM solutions also provide custom reports such as availability trends over time or compare system performance across different sites or customer groups. This information can be invaluable when it comes time for budget allocation decisions or capacity planning initiatives. In today’s fast-paced business environment where decisions needs to be made quickly in order for organizations to remain competitive and compliant with industry regulations having an RMM solution in place is essential in order stay ahead of the curve while maintaining high service levels throughout the organization’s entire infrastructure landscape.

How Does RMM Software Work?

Managed IT service providers (MSPs) can quickly and remotely manage their client’s networks, computers, and other endpoints using RMM (remote monitoring management) software. Deploying network monitoring software is often referred to as remote IT management, and it allows providers to remotely and proactively manage their client’s IT assets.

RMM is easy to deploy using a small app called an ‘agent.’ Technicians install agents on their client’s servers, computers, endpoints, and mobile devices. Agents compile a vast array of information about the host device and then feed that info back to the MSPs control panel or dashboard. From the dashboard, a technician can proactively keep machines up to date and resolve any issues without having to visit the client’s office physically.

When an agent detects a problem, a ticket is created and sent to the MSPs dashboard. A technician decides what action is needed to solve the problem. In many cases, the RMM software resolves the issue before the customer even realizes there is a problem. The support tickets are sorted based on severity. That helps the MSP or technician prioritize any critical issues versus the non-critical ones. If an item can’t be resolved automatically, the technician will remote in to solve the problem or dispatch a tech to the location.

RMM software gives MSPs the ability to service more clients at the same time compared to their traditional counterparts. They can do it more efficiently, and they can do it around the clock. RMM comes with a full array of functions, including software installation, automatic patches and updates, and so much more. All this happens from a single dashboard. Most important, hundreds of devices can be serviced at the same time without having to travel to each location just to handle routine tasks.

Features of RMM Software

  • Automated Monitoring: Remote monitoring and management (RMM) software provides automated monitoring and alerting capabilities, which allow the user to detect system problems before they become critical. Automated monitoring can monitor hardware, network, and application utilization metrics, enabling troubleshooting to be conducted quickly and efficiently.
  • Patch Management: RMM tools provide patch management capabilities for keeping computers up-to-date with the latest patches and software updates. This feature ensures that all systems are current with the necessary security updates required for optimal performance.
  • Performance Reporting: RMM software allows users to generate reports based on their collected data such as hardware utilization, patch levels, application performance metrics, and service availability. Such reports provide a comprehensive view of overall system performance and help in identifying areas where improvement is needed.
  • Network Discovery & Mapping: RMM tools also provide discovery functionality which helps users understand their IT environment better by automatically mapping networks so administrators know how many devices are connected to their network at any given time. This feature also helps identify devices that may not be properly secured or managed in order to ensure organizations stay compliant with industry regulations.
  • Remote Access & Control: Utilizing remote access and control features of an RMM tool allows users to securely access systems remotely in order to complete maintenance tasks without having physical access to them. These features enable technicians to perform administrative operations from anywhere in the world without disrupting normal business operations or requiring technician visits onsite for simple repairs/maintenance jobs.
  • Asset & Configuration Tracking: RMM tools also offer IT asset management and tracking capabilities that allow administrators track down which machines have specific applications installed on them or track changes made over time so they can audit systems more efficiently if needed later on down the line. The configuration tracking feature enables users to analyze how well their settings comply with industry standards or other requirements such as security protocols or disaster recovery plans.
  • Automated Scripts & Reports: RMM tools provide capabilities to create automated scripts and reports which can be run on a set schedule. This enables administrators to keep an eye on their systems and allows them to respond quickly if any issues arise. Automated scripts and reports also assist in planning out maintenance activities in advance by identifying machines that require attention before they become critical.

Overview of RMM Software

The first standardized network management tools used in conjunction with SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), were in widespread use by the early nineties. From the fifties till then, on-site service using the standard break-fix model was common. In other words, when something went wrong, an IT technician had to physically go to the client’s location to troubleshoot the problem. Over time technicians developed methods for troubleshooting devices. They would go to the client’s site and proactively check the status of their network and other endpoint devices. They created elaborate checklists to record as much information as possible. Unfortunately, as machines and systems became more complicated, this method became inadequate for gaining a clear picture.

The first remote IT management tools did an excellent job of sending information to the IT technician. However, these tools were highly complex and very difficult to manage. They were also expensive. So expensive that only huge companies could afford to use them. Moreover, many MSPs spent millions developing proprietary versions to use on their infrastructure and network operations centers (NOCs). Still, It became clear this was cost-prohibitive for them and many small to medium-size businesses.

What is Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) Software?

Eventually, costs came down, so smaller companies were now able to take advantage of the same managed IT services as the big Fortune 500 companies. RMM software was now affordable for small and medium-sized businesses and managed service providers. That began the remote management services industry as we know it today.

Issues With Break-Fix IT Service

The old break-fix technique served us well for many years, but as computer systems became more complicated other problems surfaced. For example, the workflow was inconsistent. That means it is difficult to plan or schedule technicians. Labor costs may remain the same, but IT demands are random and episodic.

For that reason, income is unreliable and inconsistent for the service provider. There is also no recurring revenue. Furthermore, clients having multiple computers or network issues became easily agitated as their service calls went up. They rapidly lost faith in their remote support provider.

Providers discovered they needed to take on more clients just to reach their financial goals. Clients requested fewer preventative maintenance calls to lower their costs. Security also began to suffer because systems were going without upgrades and updates. That led to data breaches and worse on outdated systems. The more clients tried to lower their costs, the higher their prices rose. A vicious cycle began.

Advantages Of RMM Software

On the financial side, MSPs can offer customers enterprise-level remote monitoring packages for an affordable price. They pay a fixed monthly fee, so there are no more surprise bills at the end of the month. MSPs are more profitable since they have fewer support calls to schedule. Any associated costs like paying mileage or owning company vehicles go down too.

On the technical side, issues are detected before they become large-scale problems. That means better uptime and business continuity. Network stability increases due to the proactive nature of RMM. Devices last longer and with improved maintenance.

More advantages include increased customer satisfaction and loyalty to the MSP. Worker productivity has increased on both sides. High-value technicians now work on preventing problems before they happen. Office workers are interrupted less, so their productivity increases.

As we can see, remote IT management using RMM makes good financial sense. The RMM system can be scaled up or down to meet specific requirements and client base. Best of all, MSPs can offer dependable, 24/7/356 support, and proactive monitoring.

Additional advantages of RMM software include:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Remote monitoring and management software helps businesses increase their efficiency by automating certain IT processes that would otherwise take up more time and resources. This automation allows businesses to streamline the process of managing, monitoring, and administering their networks and IT systems, which can result in improved response times and performance.
  2. Improved Performance: Remote monitoring and management software can help businesses improve the performance of their networks by providing them with real-time insights into network activity, usage patterns, and system health. This information can be used to identify issues quickly and make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance.
  3. Enhanced Security: Remote monitoring and management software can help businesses enhance security by identifying potential threats before they happen. By doing so, it helps ensure that all data is secure against outside intrusions or malicious attacks. In addition to this, remote monitoring software also provides enhanced visibility into user activities on a network which gives IT admins greater control over access rights.
  4. Cost Savings: By leveraging the automated capabilities of remote monitoring & management software, businesses are able to save money on IT personnel costs as well as expensive third-party support services that may be needed when dealing with unexpected problems or emergencies. In addition to this, these solutions reduce downtime associated with manual processes which eliminates extra costs associated with disrupted operations for users.
  5. Scalability: Remote monitoring and management software provides businesses with the ability to scale their networks quickly and efficiently. This is especially beneficial for companies that are growing or expanding as it allows them to manage additional devices and applications without having to hire additional IT staff.
  6. Improved Support Services: By leveraging the remote capabilities of monitoring & management software, businesses are able to provide better support services to their customers by being able to help them in real-time from any location. This helps businesses enhance customer satisfaction levels by providing quick resolutions to problems, which also leads to improved loyalty and higher SaaS retention rates.
    Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) Software Advantages

RMM Software Pricing

MSPs today will typically charge a flat fee for RMM services using a monthly recurring revenue model. Pricing is mostly calculated based on the number of agents deployed. Tiered packages using graduated service levels allow an MSP to customize a client’s service level to suit their needs. Customers select specific packages or can go a la carte for custom services. For example, on-site support can be provided for an extra fee.

MSPs must determine whether to use a “per-device” or “per-user” pricing structure. The client is billed based on the number of devices they want to support or based on the number of users within the business. Both pricing models have their respective pros and cons. Most of the time, the “per-device” is best.

Today’s managed IT services continue to shape technology for SMBs because they want to keep the technology wheels turning. They also will want to compete with their larger counterparts affordably. Therefore, MSPs should consider partnering with a reliable RMM provider who also offers training, education, and broad solutions. You will also need an RMM platform that supports a vast array of tech environments, including virtualized and hybrid cloud environments.

Also, consider leveraging your RMM software and its tools using a unified dashboard. Let the RMM automatically handle routine tasks like patch management or various update scheduling. Antivirus updates and scanning can also be automatic.

The cost of remote monitoring and management software varies greatly and depends on the complexity and scope of the system you need. Generally, a basic package can range from around $15 to $50 per month with larger plans offering more features at higher monthly fees. These packages often include multiple user access, automation, alerting, reporting capabilities, and support services such as remote assistance. Additional features like custom agent scripting or patch management may also be available at an additional cost. If you require enterprise-level features such as integrated security or bulk deployment options, the cost could increase significantly depending on the specific requirements of your organization. It’s important to consider all your needs before selecting a solution to ensure you are getting what you need at the right price point.

What Integrates With RMM Software?

Remote monitoring and management software can integrate with a variety of different types of software. This can include things like service desk software, IT asset management systems, identity and access management solutions, IT security suites, cloud computing solutions, VoIP-based telephony systems, client-server applications, virtualization tools, data analytics programs, and many more. Software integration allows for the remote monitoring and management software to collect real-time data from these other applications without having to manually enter it or switch between programs in order to access it. This simplifies the overall workflow by allowing users to keep track of all their operations in one place while still managing various operations.

Trends Related to Remote Monitoring and Management Software

  1. Increased Automation: Remote monitoring and management software is trending towards increased automation, allowing for faster detection and response to system issues. Automated processes help reduce human error and increase operational efficiency.
  2. Improved Scalability: With the rise of cloud computing, remote monitoring and management systems can be scaled up or down quickly and easily to meet changing user demands. This ensures that users have access to the latest technology with the ability to expand its capabilities if needed.
  3. Enhanced Security: As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, organizations need to be able to respond quickly and effectively to any potential security breaches. Remote monitoring and management software can provide organizations with an effective way of preventing malicious attacks while also being able to detect and respond quickly when one occurs.
  4. Optimized Performance: By providing real-time analysis of system performance, remote monitoring and management software helps ensure that all systems remain running at peak performance levels. This helps identify any potential issues before they become problems, allowing for quick resolution so that users don’t experience a disruption in service.
  5. Increased Visibility: Remote monitoring and management software provides organizations with visibility into their entire IT infrastructure, enabling them to monitor data usage, system performance, and usage patterns from anywhere in the world. This allows for better decision making when it comes to IT investments as well as improved customer service.