Brawl Stars PC Download – How to play Brawl Stars on PC

Brawl Stars PC Download – How to play Brawl Stars on PC

Brawl Stars is so popular on mobile that users often miss that they can also play it on PC. This requires the use of an emulator, simulating a ‘fake’ phone on your computer and it can be done incredibly easily. If you want to know how to download Brawl Stars on PC, read on!

Brawl Stars PC downloadBrawl Stars PC download

What’s Bluestacks and is it safe?

The emulator we like to use is Bluestacks, but there are several options you can try if you don’t like Bluestacks. Services like Nox or MEMUplay offer similar results, but Bluestacks seems to be most widespread and easiest to use. The installation steps for all of these softwares vary so we will focus exclusively on Brawl Stars on Bluestacks.

You can download the Brawl Stars Bluestacks client here. It works on Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. Keep in mind that your computer will need 5GB of empty disk space, as well as 2GB of RAM. Don’t worry, you probably have way more than that anyway!

Bluestacks is one of the first and most popular Android emulators ever made – it has a reputation for being very safe, and for working well even on weaker and older PCs.


Installing Bluestacks

After your download completes, open the file and you can immediately install Brawl Stars on your PC. Click on the Install Now button and wait for your computer to run through the setup. It should take a minute or two at most.

When it’s done, you’ll see another button labelled Complete. Click it, and you’ll be taken to a welcome screen where you set your language. Do so, and then sign in with your Google ID – it can be the same you use on your actual phone or a new one if you want a second account.

When that’s done, you will see a button labelled Start using Bluestacks – you’ll have to accept the Terms of Service from Google Play, and then you’re up and running! The screen you see when Bluestacks is running looks just like a normal phone screen would – and in the corner, you’ll find the Google Play store app. Click on it and look for Brawl Stars the way you would on your normal phone.

Install it like usual – and when it’s done, you can click on the new icon on the home screen and play Brawl Stars on your PC!

How to play Brawl Stars on PC

Your PC controls will be familiar to you quickly, especially if you’ve played at least one game on PC in your lifetime. You can move around in the game using your keyboard – the WASD keys control your movement, the right mouse button lets you aim and shoot, and space bar is the quick attack. Your super attack works by holding E and then using the left mouse button.

If you want, you can connect the app to your Supercell ID if you have one – that way, your progress can carry over to and from your phone, but you can skip this if you don’t want to. The option is in the same place on Brawl Stars for PC as it is on your phone – in the Settings, under Supercell ID.

Brawl Stars on PCBrawl Stars on PC

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