CH341A Programmer ? How It Works For Firmware In Flash ICs ? Know


There are large number of Set Top Boxes and Satellite Receivers have deployed in the marked. For that reason they need maintenance time to time. Because there may be various reasons of a Set Top Box problems.

For that reason there are various tools available in the market to remove the stb problems or satellite receiver problems.

So today in this article we are going to explain a tool used to solve satellite receiver problems or set top box problems etc. Which is known as CH341A tool to repair the set top box.

What Is CH341A Programmer ?

CH341A Programmer is used to write a firmware or release in Set Top Box, Satellite Receiver and Terrestrial Receivers etc.

In other words,

CH341A Programmer is a programming tool used to program a Flash IC.

As shown above in the image this piece of small hardware is connected in between Flash IC and Laptop. This is Black CH341A Programmer.

So there are two ways to connect your Flash IC with this CH341A programmer.

You can connect with it by using the Flash IC mounting Jack. In this case you need to first desolder the flash ic then you need to mount on it.

Otherwise if you do not want to desolder the flash IC then you can use the Clipping Cable. One end of this cable is clipped with flash IC and other end is connected with IC Jack.

This programmer have various parts which can be connected with it like

Flash IC Mount Jack

Clipper Cable

USB Extension Cable

PCB Plates & PINs etc

Note: Your flash IC can be STB Flash IC ,Satellite Receiver Flash IC and Terrestrial Receiver Flash IC etc.

How CH341A Programmer Works ?

ch341a softwarech341a software

You need to first install the programming software for this CH341A programmer in your PC or Laptop.

Then open the software and Select Flash IC Type to 25 SPI Flash (it depends upon your flash type) as shown below in image,

Now connect the CH341A Programmer (Flash IC mounted on it) with your laptop using USB port.

Then software will show status of your programmer that it is connected or not. It will show this information in bottom right corner of this GUI.

Now it shows various buttons like Detect, Read , Program, Auto and Erase / format etc. Lets discuss about functions of these buttons in brief which make it easy to understand.

What Are CH341A Programmer Functions ?

ch341a software functionsch341a software functions

(1) Detect Function

This is the first button which we should press after connecting this programmer. Because it indicates that your flash ic is connected properly or not. If its reading flash IC then it will show you information of Flash IC.

So this button is used to show full information of flash IC like its Make, Memory and Device ID etc. After this information confirmation you need go for following buttons according your use case.

(2) Read Function

Initially when you open the programmer software then on screen it shows blank data like FF FF FF FF etc.

But when we press Read Button then this software started to read Flash IC Data. If your IC is having 4 MB data then it takes around 3 minutes.

After that it shows the data available on this flash IC.

(3) Erase Function

This button is used to erase or format the currently available data on flash ic.

To erase the available data on the flash IC you need to first press the Read Button. Then it will show currently available data on screen then press Erase Button to remove it.

It take near about 5 seconds to remove the data from flash ic.

(4) Blank Function

This function is used to check your chip is blank or not. You can perform this action after erasing the data from chip.

(5) Program Function

Program Button can also be called as Write Button. Because function of this button is to write the data on flash IC.

Where you need to browse file to write the data on flash IC. Where you firmware file extension can .bin.

(6) Verify Function

After writing the data on the flash IC we need to check the data that it is written properly or not. That is why we need to use this function.

(7) Auto Function

This button is used to write or program the data in flahs IC then it will automatically verify it.

We need not to give command multiple times.

(8) Save Function

This function is used to save or backup the currently available data on flash IC. After reading the flash IC you can press this Save Button to get the backup of data.

What Are Features Of CH341A Programmer ?

(1) It enable you to upgrade of various kind Of Flahs ICs used for satellite receivers, set top boxes and terrestrial receivers etc.

(2) You can also get the backup of currently available data on Flahs iCs.

(3) You can upgrade and backup data without removing the Flash IC from PCB plate.

(4) It can also be connected with smartphone for upgradation and backup of flash IC data. We need to use a Android App here.

(5) It is small, compact, handy and easy to use tool.

(6) It is a cheap tool.

Conclusion Of CH341A Programmer ?

This tool is used to download, upload and format the firmware in set top boxes and satellite receivers or any other equipments. Its Black Edition is always preferred for better functionality which is shown above in images.

This is easy to use, very compact and inexpensive tool. You should always use a USB extension cable with this tool. Because everytime when you connect this tool with your laptop by USB port then USB port of this device can be loose.

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