Download Counter-Strike 1.6 setup file, just click on Cs 1.6 download or Counter Strike 1.6 download button, which is at the bottom of this page.

This is full Counter strike 1.6 client, this CS 1.6 game client don’t have any adverstiments. This Counter-Strike 1.6 client is protected from modification of the game files (Slowhack – CS 1.6 game files changes, without the player’s consent). To this CS 1.6 setup file we added bot’s (CPU player’s) for singleplayer game mode. This CS 1.6 client have fully working server’s browser – this attribute will help you to find alive cs 1.6 game server’s. This game version is optimized for the highest frames per second (fps) for best gameplay quality, this Counter-Strike 1.6 setup file don’t have any bug’s, have classic skin’s (model’s), map’s, sound’s, object’s and fully working rampage masterserver. If you want to download counter strike 1.6 just click on link Counter strike 1.6 download. Thank you for downloading CS.


CS 1.6 (Counter Strike 1.6) is first person shooter genre game with multi-player and single-player features. Counter-Strike 1.6 game server’s have a lot of modification’s like Death-Run, CSDM, Knife, Zombie Plague and many other’s. Counter-Strike (CS) game was developed by Minh Le and Jess Cliffe, Counter-Strike is a game of Half-Life game modification. The first Counter-Strike (CS) game has been distributed separately, and was presented with the Half-Life and other games. In 1999 year’s engaged in development of this version of the Planet Half-Life community. Since then, was released a lot of Counter-Strike game beta versions. In 1999 year’s June 18 day was released the first publicly accessible Counter-Strike game beta version. In 2000 year’s August 12 day Valve has announced the merging with Counter-Strike developers and about during the 2000 Christmas was released Couter-Strike 1.0. The current, wildly popular, Counter-Strike game 1.6 version was released in 2003 year’s September 15 day. Counter-Strike (CS) 1.6 game point is to beat down enemies team – Terrorist’s (T) or Counter-Terrorist’s (CT). When all members of enemie’s team is eliminated, then survivor’s team wins the match and if no one player was killed in winner’s team, then winners team just get’s flawless victory. Counter Strike 1.6 multi-player game is more interesting than single player game, because you can meet your friend’s, do clan fights and many featured stuff. Counter Strike 1.6 game is full of adventure and action, CS 1.6 gameplay style depends on the map type

How to get started with cs 1.6 install:
You can retrieve the name you want and connect to one of the servers that you will see in the server list.
If playing is awkward, try adjusting the settings, mouse speed, or highlight the buttons you want.

When you find friends on servers, you can create clans to make fun playing fun, and you can create players by creating a clone-based form on the forum.
Well done, we go and play! It’s fun too.

About the game

Counter-Strike 1.6 – This game was created and released more than ten years ago – in 2003. Genre CS 1.6 is a first-person shooter, and games also have standalone and online modes (single-player and multi-player).

The main game Counter-Strike, whose main goal is the idea of ​​two teams – bad guys – is terrorists and good guys, namely the shooter for police actions, pistols and weapons, pets and nails. Terrorists must prevent a catastrophe (to prevent mines or deactivate an already activated explosive). CS_. Terrorism should not allow the police to save hostages, because terrorist types must withdraw protection of VIP and police, as well as protect the safe zone.


  • CPU with a clock speed of 1200 MHz or higher.
  • 512 MB of RAM.
  • 32 MB video card +.
  • 700 MB of free disk space.
  • Operating system Windows 95/2000/XP.
  • Mouse, keyboard.
  • Internet access.
