Capability Needs Identification Phase | Adaptive Acquisition Framework

Reference Source: Based on DAG Chapter 6- content, Jan 2020

Generation of capability requirements, which may occur in the form of a Capability Requirements Document (CRD) but may take on other formats depending on how each Service / Component has chosen to implement the DoDI 5000.75. These artifacts will replace the Problem Statement for business systems. The intent is that the documented requirements will be the outcome of a thorough analytical process during which the business need and end state are identified and business processes and performance measures are clearly defined; this process will also include analysis of other organizations with similar capability needs. The business need is based on the desired end state, the problem(s) preventing it, and the future capabilities required to achieve it. These types of initial requirements documents are not intended to be IT solutions documents.

DBS generally do not use the JCIDS process for defining requirements unless the requirement is deemed joint interest. At that point, the Joint Staff will provide guidance for any additional processes or documentation needed.

Business systems practitioners can visit the Business Community of Practice (DoD CAC Required) – Requirements Community for example requirements documents and capability requirements-related discussion.