CheezGames – The Best Unblocked Games! Play Free Games Now! – CheezGames
CheezGames currently has a flash emulator installed on this website, (this emulator is, see more documentation here) which allows CheezGames to run ActionScript 1.0 games. Here is a snippet from Ruffle’s website about their service:
“Ruffle is a Flash Player emulator written in Rust. Ruffle runs natively on all modern operating systems as a standalone application, and on all modern browsers through the use of WebAssembly. Leveraging the safety of the modern browser sandbox and the memory safety guarantees of Rust, we can confidently avoid all the security pitfalls that Flash had a reputation for. Ruffle puts Flash back on the web, where it belongs – including browsers on iOS and Android!”
Unfortunately, most flash games are not ActionScript 1.0. See this page for more documentation on the compatibility of flash. There are multiple ways you can support ruffle for their development of this free flash emulator tool. The first way you can support is by testing their content. Read this snippet from their website:
“Arguably more important than contributing code is testing Ruffle out. Go install Ruffle and try out your favorite games and animations. Look for any difference from the official Flash Player, and report your findings to us. If you find any bugs, changes of behavior, performance issues, or any visual differences then please report those to our bug tracker. If it runs flawlessly, come share the good news on our Discord!“
The second way you can support is by sponsoring the project. Read this snippet from their website:
“If you are able and willing to, we welcome any financial support to help us fund the project going forward. With your help, we can afford to spend more time dedicated to Ruffle, and pay for expenses such as build servers and hosting. We accept donations and sponsorships through Open Source Collective 501(c)(6). For more information, or to view the options available for sponsoring the project, please visit our Open Collective page.”
The third way you can support is by spreading the word! Read this snippet here:
“Is your favorite Flash-based site shutting down? Let them know they can add one JavaScript file and keep it running! Feeling nostalgic for some old Flash games? Go play some on Newgrounds with Ruffle installed, and tell your friends about it! Maybe you’re a streamer and looking for some silly content? There’s literally decades’ worth, now unlocked and accessible once more.”