Cốc Cốc (Windows) – Download & Review

Surfing the Internet can be either an enjoyable or troublesome experience, depending on multiple factors, out of which browsers and their characteristics make up quite a significant percentage. Therefore, making sure one uses a capable browsing tool is of utmost importance for ensuring optimal Internet interaction. Cốc Cốc comes forward with a Chrome-style browser that promises to offer several features for improved browsing sessions.

Access your favorite social media platforms or other websites in an instant

Right off-the bat, user will be able to notice that the browser come pre-set with a couple of default social media platforms, which are easily accessible through several dedicated buttons.

We found having these customizable, quick access buttons that are already rigged to frequently used social media websites to be really useful, as most browser interaction these days occurs with such purposes in mind and this is what most users will end up accessing right after finishing the installation process.

Chinese-Vietnamese translation and vice versa, all using a handy context menu

For Chinese or Vietnamese speakers, which, at core, are the targeted users of this browser, visiting websites that are available in both languages will not pose a problem and also it will not require them to use dedicated translation websites.

Instead, the browser offers a built-in translation feature, which will automatically pop-up a handy info panel, for each word or phrase that users highlight. Reversing the translation to and from a language to the other is an easy task, thanks to the dedicated function.

Decent browser that doesn’t offer exquisite improvements over similar software, but does a fair job at offering a decent experience when surfing the Internet

Providing reliable Internet browsing, this app could be good candidate for those who are seeking a compact and yet capable browser. The fact that if offers extra features, such as its dedicated translation tool, only contributes to the overall handling feel and capability of the program.