Code::Blocks IDE for Fortran

Code::Blocks is a free, cross platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) ( This site is for those, who would like to use Code::Blocks IDE for Fortran. Here you can find a customized (more or less) version of IDE oriented towards Fortran language (pre-built binaries for Linux and Windows are available). Also you can find some useful information about how to use it for programming with Fortran.

Note: FortranProject plugin, which makes C::B useful for Fortran, currently is included in an official Code::Blocks distribution for Windows (but not for Linux).


  • Editor with Fortran syntax highlighting (fixed and free form).

  • Compilation of Fortran project directly from IDE. FortranProject plugin should care about Fortran file dependencies. Alternatively you can use your supplied makefile.

  • Possibility to jump directly to the code line with an error (currently the support of gfortran, flang, Intel Fortran, Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran and PGI Fortran is implemented).

  • Symbols browser with defined program units (functions, subroutines, modules etc.) in your project.

  • Possibility to jump to code line with subroutine/function definition directly from editor (right click on the name and select “Jump to: ‘name'”) or from the symbols browser (double click on the name) or using menu ‘Search->Jump to declaration’.

  • Program debugging using GNU GDB.

  • Completion of names when you type or when you press Ctrl+Space (you can change the key combinations in Editor’s Settings). The support for subroutine/function names, the names of variables, the components of derived types and the type-bound procedures is implemented.

  • Call-tips with subroutine/function argument list. Appears automatically or when you press Ctrl+Shift+Space.

  • Appearance of tooltips when you hold mouse on variable or name of subroutine.

  • Jump to the definition of procedure or the variable from code line where it is mentioned.

  • Possibility to generate a Makefile (Fortran->Genarate Makefile). This feature should generate a working makefile for the active target in simple cases. Or the generated makefile can be used as a draft in more sophisticated projects.

  • and more


Code::Blocks (and FortranProject plugin) is distributed at GPLv3.

User manual

You can download the Code::Blocks user manual from


The major part, which makes C::B IDE useful for Fortran, is FortranProject plugin. This plugin has a separate project for development on
There you can download latest source code directly from svn.


How to contribute to this project:

  • Spread a word about your experience with Code::Blocks.

  • Write tutorial about how to use C::B together with Fortran. Send it to CBFortran forum.

  • Prepare screencast (video tutorial) and upload it to e.g. Youtube. Drop link to CBFortran forum.

  • Suggest features you would like to be implemented into this IDE.

  • Report bugs to CBFortran forum or write directly to me.

  • Write a new plugin for Code::Blocks useful for Fortran developers.

  • Implement a new feature to FortranProject plugin or improve existing one. Send me a patch file.

About me

My name is Darius Markauskas. I develop for this project on my spare time.

Have questions, suggestions? Found a bug?
Write me to: [email protected]

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