Code::Blocks IDE for Fortran
Code::Blocks is a free, cross platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) ( This site is for those, who would like to use Code::Blocks IDE for Fortran. Here you can find a customized (more or less) version of IDE oriented towards Fortran language (pre-built binaries for Linux and Windows are available). Also you can find some useful information about how to use it for programming with Fortran.
Note: FortranProject plugin, which makes C::B useful for Fortran, currently is included in an official Code::Blocks distribution for Windows (but not for Linux).
Mục lục bài viết
Editor with Fortran syntax highlighting (fixed and free form).
Compilation of Fortran project directly from IDE. FortranProject plugin should care about Fortran file dependencies. Alternatively you can use your supplied makefile.
Possibility to jump directly to the code line with an error (currently the support of gfortran, flang, Intel Fortran, Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran and PGI Fortran is implemented).
Symbols browser with defined program units (functions, subroutines, modules etc.) in your project.
Possibility to jump to code line with subroutine/function definition directly from editor (right click on the name and select “Jump to: ‘name'”) or from the symbols browser (double click on the name) or using menu ‘Search->Jump to declaration’.
Program debugging using GNU GDB.
Completion of names when you type or when you press Ctrl+Space (you can change the key combinations in Editor’s Settings). The support for subroutine/function names, the names of variables, the components of derived types and the type-bound procedures is implemented.
Call-tips with subroutine/function argument list. Appears automatically or when you press Ctrl+Shift+Space.
Appearance of tooltips when you hold mouse on variable or name of subroutine.
Jump to the definition of procedure or the variable from code line where it is mentioned.
Possibility to generate a Makefile (Fortran->Genarate Makefile). This feature should generate a working makefile for the active target in simple cases. Or the generated makefile can be used as a draft in more sophisticated projects.
and more
Code::Blocks (and FortranProject plugin) is distributed at GPLv3.
User manual
You can download the Code::Blocks user manual from
The major part, which makes C::B IDE useful for Fortran, is FortranProject plugin. This plugin has a separate project for development on
There you can download latest source code directly from svn.
How to contribute to this project:
Spread a word about your experience with Code::Blocks.
Write tutorial about how to use C::B together with Fortran. Send it to CBFortran forum.
Prepare screencast (video tutorial) and upload it to e.g. Youtube. Drop link to CBFortran forum.
Suggest features you would like to be implemented into this IDE.
Report bugs to CBFortran forum or write directly to me.
Write a new plugin for Code::Blocks useful for Fortran developers.
Implement a new feature to FortranProject plugin or improve existing one. Send me a patch file.
About me
My name is Darius Markauskas. I develop for this project on my spare time.
Have questions, suggestions? Found a bug?
Write me to: [email protected]