Computer Science vs. Software Engineering | North Central College

Computer Science vs. Software Engineering

Every day, Americans use technology that relies on software and computing. In fact, if you’re reading this sentence on a laptop or smartphone right now, you’re one of those software product users. But not many people understand the inner workings of these ubiquitous devices and the software design that makes them run. 

The comparison of computer science vs software engineering helps uncover secrets behind these familiar machines and each computer program they use, paving the way for new technology. If that idea appeals to you, you might consider a career where every computer program is your business.

In this guide, we’ll look at computer science vs software engineering to find the similarities and differences between the two fields, including what to expect in college, what you’ll need to know to get a graduate degree and beyond.

What Is Computer Science?

The term computer science refers to the family of studies involving computers and their related software system. Often shortened to CS, the field covers both theoretical and applied issues relating to computer hardware and software.

As a science-based discipline, computer science focuses on discovery and understanding. By analyzing and redefining algorithms, a computer scientist works to create new technological solutions or improve existing ones.

In a rapidly changing world driven by technology, computer science is an important—and exciting—field of study.

How to Get a Degree in Computer Science 

The logical first step for you in pursuing a computer science career is to study the subject in college. As the need for computer scientists grows, more and more schools have adopted CS programs, helping students prepare for a changing, technology-driven world. If you’re a detail-oriented critical thinker with an appreciation for technology, you could be a strong CS degree student.

The broad nature of computer science degrees makes the field an excellent choice for anyone interested in working with computers. When you study for a CS degree in college, you’ll explore a wide range of topics, likely including:

  • Statistics

  • Mathematics

  • Computer programming (coding)

  • Machine learning

  • Cyber security

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Computational theory

  • Ethical considerations

In some ways, studying computer science in college is like visiting a computer science buffet—you’ll get a little of everything and then you can decide if there’s one area you want to focus on.

Computer Science Major

Computer science is an extensive field; therefore, the best way to get the most from the subject is to pursue a major. With an average of four years of full-time study, depending on the institution, a computer science degree program should give you a solid foundation in many of the essential concepts needed to succeed professionally.

Though you might expect to graduate from a computer science program with a bachelor of science degree (BS), many schools—including North Central College—offer the choice of a bachelor of arts degree (BA) or BS in computer science.

Whether you choose a BA or a BS, you’ll probably be required to take several core courses that focus on computer science basics. Class names and topics will vary from school to school, but to give you an idea of what to expect, here are the required courses at North Central College:

  • CSCE 160 – Introduction to Computer Programming

  • CSCE 210 – Data Structures

  • CSCE 220 – Computer Organization and Design

  • CSCE 230 – Discrete Structures

  • CSCE 306 – Object-Oriented Software Development

  • CSCE 340 – Design and Analysis of Algorithms

  • CSCE 420 – Operating System

  • CSCE 494 – Senior Capstone (a final, cumulative project)

Additionally, you’ll likely study ethics, communication and digital media. From there, a BA may require language credits, while a BS involves extra math and business courses.

Computer Science Minor

Like many institutions, North Central College also offers a computer science minor. When you minor in CS, you’ll take on a handful of fundamental courses that give you a general understanding of the discipline.

Minoring in computer science is ideal for those whose career trajectory involves computers in any capacity—even if you don’t envision technology as the primary focus of your career. Minors usually require between 20 and 30 credit hours, again depending on your school.

Whether you major or minor in computer science, your choices after graduation will likely come down to enrolling in a master’s program or searching for a computer science job.

Computer Science Career Paths 

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that jobs in the technology sector will grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030—faster than the national average for other occupations. With over 600,000 new jobs in the next 10 years, there’s never been a better time to work as a computer scientist).

Depending on the subfield you choose, your day-to-day work as a computer scientist may include:

  • Planning and carrying out experiments on new technology

  • Developing predictive models

  • Building and presenting reports of your findings

  • Designing new or improved computer hardware solutions

If work like this sounds interesting, computer science may be the career path for you. You can choose from a wide variety of career paths. Some of the most common for computer engineers are the following:

  • Web Developer

  • Data Scientist

  • Database Administrator

  • Computer and Information Research Scientist

  • Information Security Analyst

These are just a few examples. With computer science jobs available across virtually all industries, you can easily find a career that combines computer science with your other passions, whether they be in health care, gaming, education or another field.

If you want to learn more about computer science read our linked blogs, “data science vs. computer science”, “computer science vs. information technology” or “computer science vs. cybersecurity.”

What Is Software Engineering?

Software engineering is considered a subset of computer science. The field focuses on developing software solutions from start to finish. Software engineers work with a programming language to write, edit and test new software programs.

All computers, tablets and other devices rely on the instructions that software provides. A software engineer is in charge of the design and maintenance of these instructions.

How to Get a Degree in Software Engineering

If you like figuring out technology, problem-solving and working in a team, you may enjoy focusing on software engineering in school.

Prospective software engineers cover various topics in college courses, such as:

  • Coding

  • Algorithms

  • Math and statistics

  • Operating systems

  • Object-oriented design

  • Electrical engineering

  • Logic and critical thinking

By the end of your degree program in software engineering instruction, you’ll be able to build computer programs and apps from scratch and figure out how to repair and improve them, as well.