Creation and Blessing
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Top Highlights
“But humans are far more than animals. The text shows that human life was set apart in relation to God by the divine plan (‘let us make man’), by the divine pattern (‘as our image’), and by the divine purpose (‘let him have dominion’).” (Page 112)
“These plurals do not explicitly refer to the triunity of the Godhead but do allow for that doctrine’s development through the process of progressive revelation.” (Page 112)
“It is interesting that three times the Word of the Lord is quoted, but never appropriately: once it is questioned in a misleading way, once it is paraphrased with major changes, and once it is flatly denied.” (Page 132)
“The ‘way of Cain’ (Jude 11), then, is unbelief that may manifest itself in envy of God’s dealing with the righteous, in murderous acts, in denial of responsibility for one’s brother, and in refusal to accept the punishment.” (Page 153)
“Those who truly believe the Word of the Lord will forsake all else to become worshipers of the Lord and to serve in his program to bring blessing to the world.” (Page 268)