Definition of Bitcoin mining

The process that adds new Bitcoin transactions to the distributed ledger known as the “blockchain.” Mining is also how new coins come into existence as a reward for being the first miner to add the next block of transactions to the blockchain.

Like a gold mine, which takes work to produce results, Bitcoin mining performs “digital work” to bring coins into creation. Hence the mining metaphor. However, this digital processing uses an enormous amount of electricity worldwide. See blockchain.

In the Bitcoin network, validator nodes check the format of new transactions, and mining nodes select them from the validators’ memory pools to form a new block. The miner then competes with other miners to be first to solve a mathematical puzzle (see cryptographic hash function). On average, a new block is added every 10 minutes, and each new block adds more confirmation of the previous transactions. See mempool and Bitcoin confirmation.

Miners Are Rewarded with Bitcoins

The mathematical puzzle takes a gigantic amount of calculations to solve and ensures that miners spend resources, thus providing “proof-of-work” (PoW). The first miner to solve the puzzle and publish the block to the blockchain is rewarded with the transaction fees and new bitcoins (see crypto block reward). If two miners solve the puzzle at the exact same time, the miner that did the most computational work is the winner. The massive digital processing required also keeps fraudulent miners away. See proof-of-work algorithm and Bitcoin halving.

A decade ago, an ordinary PC could be used to mine Bitcoin and had a chance to win the reward. However, as more miners came on board with faster hardware, there was more competition and less chance of winning. Today, a regular PC might never solve the puzzle; however, they can still be used to mine other cryptos (see pool mining).

Chinese Pools Were the Largest

Organizations create huge mining pools to accomplish the task using specialized “ASIC miner” hardware. Located in China where electricity is less expensive, pools mined roughly 65% of Bitcoin transactions worldwide. However, in 2021, China cracked down on Bitcoin trading and mining, and China-based miners began moving to Central Asia and North America. See miner hardware and cryptographic hash function.

The Maximum Number of Bitcoins Is 21 Million

The Bitcoin algorithm ensures that the number of new coins miners generate for their own accounts slows down over time (see Bitcoin halving). At some point in 2140, the total number of coins will be capped at 21 million. Starting with 50 coins in 2009, the first four years generated 10 million coins, but the subsequent five years only six million more. After 2140, the only revenue miners will receive is from transaction fees. See crypto block reward.

The Cap Is a Major Feature

Bitcoin proponents claim that the capped total of coins is what makes Bitcoin valid money, similar to having physical gold bars. Just like an ounce of gold, the market may change its daily value, but a devaluation cannot occur due to inflating the money supply. See Bitcoin, cryptojacking and crypto glossary.

Mining Bitcoins in Fort Worth, Texas

CleanSpark Bitcoin Miner