Difference between Open Source and Proprietary Software

Technology is something that has a significant impact on each and every one of our lives. Due to the large number of devices that we all interact with on a daily basis, we are exposed to a wide variety of software. We are able to complete a variety of tasks with the assistance of software.

Software is an essential component that grants its users the ability to operate and carry out any designated activity. The difference between open-source software and proprietary software is a significant one in the software industry. Read through this article to find out how an open-source software is different from a proprietary software.

What is Open-Source Software?

Open-source software is a type of program that can be utilized by anyone and comes with a source code that is not only freely licensed but also unrestricted.

Richard Stallman, the man who established the Free Software Foundation, was responsible for the birth of open-source software. He is widely regarded as the founder of the free software movement. In 1989, he authored and distributed the GNU General Public License to the public. This is a free software licence, which means anyone can use it without cost. The fact that Open-Source software is developed through open collaboration is the defining feature of this type of software.

Open-Source software allows for collaboration between users, despite the fact that it may be subject to licensing restrictions. That is, people can make changes not only in its features but also in its source code.

The availability of Open-Source software is not restricted in any way, as the name would imply. Anyone can get their hands on it and view its source code.

The adaptability of open-source software is another reason for its popularity and notoriety. Users of open-source software are free to easily interpret and modify the program, as well as use and distribute it to other people without any restrictions. However, in order to use this software, some level of familiarity with computer programming is required.

The Open-Source software development model is typically geared toward and suitable for an open user community. That is to say, this kind of software is designed for a large number of different individuals who have a fundamental understanding of programming and who want to work together and distribute either their own creations or the works of others.

Here are some examples of open source −

  • Android

  • FreeBSD (Berklee Software Distribution)

  • LibreOffice

  • Ubuntu


  • Firefox

What is Proprietary Software?

The term “proprietary software” refers to the category of software that is protected by copyright laws and must be licensed before it can be used. Most of the time, you have to pay for proprietary software. That is, you will have to pay for its license before you are allowed to use it.

The purpose of proprietary software is not to facilitate any form of cooperative effort. It is developed purely for the purpose of being utilised by the developer as well as any other users who have purchased a license to do so. The access to proprietary software is restricted, in contrast to the open nature of Open Source software. It is only accessible to those who own it and those who were responsible for its development.

The adaptability of the design is also an important aspect to consider. The degree of adaptability offered by proprietary software is significantly lower than that of open-source software. There are limitations placed on how it can be utilised. Copyright protection is applied to proprietary software. In other words, whoever initially created the source code is the owner of any intellectual property rights associated with it.

Due to the fact that it is copyrighted, this software has a limited degree of adaptability. On the other hand, anyone, regardless of their level of expertise, can use proprietary software. This software is not intended for use by the general public, but rather by a select number of individuals who have purchased the rights to use it and who are the sole owners of the source code.

Here is a list of examples of proprietary software −

  • Windows

  • Microsoft

  • macOS

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Flash Player

  • iTunes

Difference between Open-Source and Proprietary Software

The following table highlights the major differences between Open-Source Software and Proprietary Software −

Basis of Comparison

Open-Source Software

Proprietary Software

DefinitionSoftware that is considered to be “open source” is defined as having a source code together with a license that permits free use, modification, and distribution of the softwareThe term “proprietary software” refers to the category of software that is copyrighted for use and possesses a licensed source code in its whole.AccessThe term “open access” refers to the fact that anyone is able to use the software known as “open source.”Only the people who created the software and those who have purchased a licence to use it are able to use the proprietary software.FlexibilityOpen source is adaptable; more specifically, it can be used, modified, and distributed by anybody.The versatility of proprietary software is severely limited because there are constraints placed on how it can be used.CollaborationOpen collaboration is used in the development of open source software.The only people who should use proprietary software are its inventor and those who have paid for it. It is not intended for open collaboration.Example

  • Android

  • FreeBSD (Berklee Software Distribution)

  • LibreOffice

  • Ubuntu


  • Firefox

  • Windows

  • Microsoft

  • macOS

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Flash Player

  • iTunes


The term “open-source” refers to software in which the source code can be accessed and modified by anybody, whereas the term “proprietary software” refers to software that is owned exclusively by the person or publisher who produced it.

Proprietary software, as opposed to open-source software, is handled by the individual or organization that owns the intellectual property rights to the source code. No one outside the circle is permitted to examine the code, let alone inspect it. The primary distinction between the two is that open-source projects have the potential to advance over time since they are subject to modification by a large number of programmers across the globe.