Digital Holga
Hi, after I read the commentarty aimed at mine, I looked up HOLGA/LOMO and the like. Now that I have read up on it, I undertand. I do not understand why I would want to emulate a camera barely better then a brownie box camera, to try to emulate a crappy picture, better to buy a good photo editing software program and learn to play and superimpose double expose and all that. What would be way cooler is to adapt this technology for a cheapo digital camera, or your cell phone camera if you have one. There are now serious tonnages of old slr cameras begging for purchasers for 5 dollars at garbage sales. Imagine that silly 10 dollar digital throw away camera, hog tied to a huge telephoto. silly, pointless, sure, but you will get weird blurs light leaks and all the out of focusness that People of th USSR had to put up with, they couldn’t wait for real cameras from USA , Germany , Japan, Great Britian, ANYPLACE but USSR which was a guarantee of crappyness. Why an Austrian company bought them is beyond comprehension. I will try this with a throw away after next garbage sale purchase. thanks for a great post and thanks to those that explained to me what I was unsure about!! I enjoyed this.