Digital Marketing Business Name Generator + (Instant Availability Check)

How to name a digital marketing agency

The ultimate step-by-step guide by branding experts and startup specialists! Learn proven methods on how to create unique digital marketing agency names for your business, and find a wealth of inspiration through the 20+ marketing agency name ideas listed below!

Digital marketing agencies are on the rise. Every business needs web presence and marketing, so they naturally turn to experts to help them out.

It’s no wonder that we see new digital marketing businesses launched every day.

This trend isn’t going to stop. Over 1.66 billion people shop online each year, and this number keeps growing.

Pair that with the fact that nearly half of all US small businesses don’t have a website, and you see why digital marketing agencies are in such demand.

Businesses understand they need to market online, but they don’t know how to do it themselves.

The first thing you need when starting an agency is a catchy name. And getting one that’s available is harder every year.

There are more than 150 million registered .com domains, and finding one that’s still available is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This goes to show how important it is to spend enough time brainstorming ideas when starting your digital marketing business.

Now, taking the time to develop a strategy for creating unique digital marketing business name ideas is no easy feat.

So, we developed our digital marketing business name generator to make the whole process easier for you.

In this article, we’ll show you how to approach naming your agency and how to use our generator to find the perfect name that will define your business.

20+ unique Digital Marketing Business Name Ideas

I’m going to help you generate the perfect name for your digital marketing agency.

We’ll start with a few examples of catchy names that you can use for inspiration when starting your brainstorming process.

I suggest you use our digital marketing business name generator to help you speed up the process.

I’ll share actionable tips and tricks you can use to create the best name for your digital marketing business.

Are you ready to get started? These are twenty catchy name ideas that can be used for a digital marketing agency.

  1. GrowMore
  2. UpRisen
  3. ClickPlus
  4. Breakout SEO
  5. LumiGrow
  6. Evo Digital
  7. New Age Digital
  8. OptiMarket
  9. SEO Supreme
  10. Avanta Marketing
  11. BetterWeb
  12. Optivum
  13. BigBrand Digital
  14. AceClick Agency
  15. Lumen Digital
  16. Digital Edge
  17. BrightLane
  18. ROI Gurus
  19. RankOn
  20. Creative Clicks

20 more great Digital Marketing Agency Name Ideas

Still, stuck on finding the perfect name for your agency? Here are 20 more unique name ideas we created using the Digital Marketing Business Name Generator.

  1. Digital Marketing Masters
  2. Electric ROI
  3. The Digital Dudes
  4. RankYouHigher
  5. SEOMore
  6. EngageBetter
  7. Creative Digital Design
  8. CreateROI
  9. Just Digital Gurus
  10. Digital Delights
  11. Sweet SEO
  12. Wise to Optimise
  13. Digital Trends and Mends
  14. ROI Marketing
  15. Digital Smarts
  16. Digitally Inspired
  17. New Digital Directions
  18. Your Digital Mojo
  19. The Omnipotent Optimisers
  20. Optimise or Die

Best Real Digital Marketing Business Names Right Now

To help you brainstorm potential business names, let’s take a look at three successful real-world digital marketing companies and break down why and how they’ve chosen to name their agency and why it works for them.

Hopefully, this inspires you and helps you create your own digital marketing business name ideas.

Beyond Marketing Group

Beyond has a simple name that can be viewed in a number of ways. Will they take you beyond your competitors? Does their service go beyond what you expect? It is a short, intriguing name that arouses interest.

Impact Digital Marketing

This name describes the effect that this company’s service could have on a client’s sites. We call these types of names experiential names, as they describe an experience. The name also shows the company aggressively strives to deliver the best work for their clients.

One Green Bean

This is a business that has an unusual name that is not apparently related to their industry. This means that potential customers don’t approach them with a preconceived idea of what they do and don’t handle. The name is hip and modern. It definitely helps position the company as something unique.

As we see, there are different ways we can create memorable digital marketing business names.

Some are simple, descriptive, and straightforward, while others rely on uniqueness to differentiate themselves.

We’ll look at some actionable steps we can take to create modern and catchy digital marketing agency names.

10 Things to Consider When Naming Your Digital Marketing Business

This section includes 10 actionable tips that will help you create the perfect digital marketing agency name.

In this example, I’m creating a name for a digital marketing company that sounds like an agency but is different from other existing digital marketing agencies in the market.

#1) Analyze Your Existing Competitors

Before we start brainstorming name ideas, we need to know who we’re competing against. This is an essential step that a lot of people overlook when they start thinking about their digital marketing business name ideas.

Start by listing down ten or twenty existing digital marketing agencies in your area. Think of the businesses you will compete against.

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself when analyzing your existing competitors:

  • Can you find any trends and words that often appear in their names?
  • Do they use similar name types?
  • Do any names stand out for being very different?

Analyze Your Existing Competitors.

#2) Position Your Agency

There are two basic options you have when positioning your agency:

  • You can make your digital marketing agency fit in the market.
  • You can make your digital marketing agency stand out in the market.

If you want to fit it, you should copy the name styles of existing companies in your market. You can even use the same words other companies use.

Just make sure you’re creating names that are different enough and won’t get you into legal trouble.

If you want to stand out in the market, focus on using unique words and name styles. Make sure your name is different from the ones your competitors use.

This is the approach I recommend for all new businesses. People remember things that are different and stand out.

This is the easiest way to position your digital marketing business for success.

#3) Look for Inspiration Elsewhere

We already analyzed the names in your market. Now it’s time to move beyond that. You can turn to different markets and niches for inspiration. Pick a niche that’s different from digital marketing.

Let’s, for example, pick gardening. Look at the names people use in the gardening niche.

You will probably notice a lot of companies use words like “seed”, “bud”, “spurt”, “green”, “leaf”, “bloom”… Can any of these words be used for your digital marketing agency?

Of course. These words can easily represent growth and prosperity. They can even hint at organic growth if that’s what your agency specializes in.

You can turn to any market or niche for inspiration. Don’t spend all your time going through the names in your niche.

#4) Understand Different Name Types

I won’t bore you with details or make this theory too complicated. But it’s important we understand the basics of the naming theory. There are four main types of names:

  • Descriptive (literal) names – These names describe what a company or a product does or its functions. This also includes acronyms, initials, founder names, and geographical names. (ex. SEO Supreme, London Marketing, etc.)
  • Invented (made-up) names – These names don’t have any real meaning. They are either completely made-up or come from foreign languages. (ex. Google, Blekko, etc.)
  • Experiential names – These names describe the experience of using a company or a product. They basically show what people get when working with a digital marketing agency. (ex. Breakout SEO, BetterWeb, etc.)
  • Evocative names – These names represent the agency in a metaphorical instead of literal way. They represent what the agency stands for instead of what it does. (ex. Yahoo!, BrightLane, etc.)

We won’t go any further. This is enough to give you a basic understanding of different name types.

#5) Go Beyond Descriptive Names

We learned about different name types in the previous point. We saw that descriptive names are the simplest names out there.

While there’s nothing wrong with them, they can’t help your digital marketing agency stand out in a crowded market.

I suggest we move beyond simple descriptive names when starting a new agency. Descriptive names are great when we want to blend in.

But we already learned that this isn’t the best approach when starting out.

Instead, think of unique words, phrases, and metaphors that could be used to represent your digital marketing business. This will help you stand out from your competitors.

#6) Brainstorm Your Name Ideas

It is now time to start brainstorming what words could fit into your business name. Your goal here is to create a list of words or names that come to mind when thinking about your business.

In my name ideas, I used words like “ROI”, “SEO”, and “Digital”, you can see that while these words can be related to digital marketing, they also suggest that you can expect a modern, creative outlook from this business or brand.

If you’re stuck on words to use, try our digital marketing business name generator. Here are my name ideas after brainstorming:

GrowMore, UpRisen, ClickPlus, Breakout SEO, LumiGrow, Evo Digital, New Age Digital, OptiMarket, SEO Supreme, Avanta Marketing, BetterWeb, Optivum, BigBrand Digital, AceClick Agency, Lumen Digital, Digital Edge, BrightLane, ROI Gurus, RankOn, Creative Clicks

#7) Shortlist Your Ideas

Once you’ve developed a list of possible names, analyze your ideas. Remove any names that could be hard to remember, spell or speak aloud.

Keep names that are brandable, sound great, are memorable, and communicate your brand values to your target audience.

Shortlist Your Ideas.

Here’s a quick checklist you can run your ideas through to help shorten your list of names:

  • Is the name simple and easy to remember?
  • Is the name easy to read and say aloud?
  • Is the name different from competitors?
  • Does the name convey a relevant meaning?
  • Does the name avoid overused words or cliches?

#8) Get Some Feedback

You should now have a list of 3-6 great digital marketing business names, and you can start gathering feedback. Ask potential customers or people working in the industry for feedback (your target audience).

Avoid feedback from family and friends. They are more likely to praise all your ideas, and they aren’t your customer.

Be sure to ask questions like:

  • What first comes to mind when you hear the name?
  • How would you spell it?

With your customer feedback, you can start objectively analyzing the business names you picked. Ask yourself – Are these ideas still relevant? Do they still represent my digital marketing agency?

#9) Check If It’s Available

At this point, it’s good to have at least three great digital marketing business names on your list in case any of your names are already taken.

You can start by doing a quick Business Name Search online to see if your name is available within your country/state.

While doing so, it’s also good to make sure that the name is available for Trademark registration.

Make sure you also check domain availability for your business name. You will need a URL address to create your online store.

You can use our digital marketing business name generator for this step. It shows available domains for all names it generates.

#10) Develop Your Brand

This is the last thing you need to do before launching your digital marketing firm. The name on its own isn’t enough to build a memorable brand. You have to create exciting visual cues that go with the name.

How will the name look in the logo? Which tagline will you use for your agency? What colors represent the emotions your digital marketing business brings?

Make sure you create a cohesive brand where all elements work together. I suggest you get help from a professional graphic designer for this step.

How to Create Unique Digital Marketing Agency Name Ideas

We already determined that using unique names helps you stand out from your competitors. This makes it easier for potential clients to remember your agency and contact you when they need your services.

If you follow the ten tips we shared above, you’ll likely be able to create unique digital marketing business name ideas for your agency.

If this is the first time you’re creating a name, there’s a good chance you’ll get stuck in the process. That’s normal, and it’s no reason to panic. Take a minute to relax and go back a step.

Coming up with ideas isn’t easy. That’s why I suggest you use the digital marketing business name generator on our site.

Start by inputting different words that represent your agency in the search bar. Click “generate” and wait for the generator to do its magic.

You will get a huge list of ideas that can all potentially be used as names for your digital marketing firm.

You can repeat the process for as long as you want. There are no limitations on our generator. My suggestion is to do this until you have at least five strong candidates for your name.

Here are a few additional tips that will help you generate unique digital marketing business name ideas:

  • Look for inspiration in unusual places,
  • Try using unique words and phrases,
  • Consider including foreign words,
  • Try using rhymes and alliterations,
  • Consider using visually appealing words.

Naming is not an exact science. It takes time to develop the right name for a marketing agency. Luckily for you, you have our digital marketing business name generator to help you create fresh and unique ideas.

Finding the perfect domain for your digital marketing business

Any digital marketing agency name is useless without the matching domain. You need to have a website if you’re operating in the digital world.

Digital marketing agency name is useless without the matching domain.

The problem is that finding available domains is getting harder and harder. There are two simple ways to find domains for digital agencies if the exact match .com domain is already taken:

  • You can use alternative domains that are gaining popularity. Some of the options are .co, .io, .agency
  • You can use modifiers. These are short words we add at the beginning or at the end of names to get available domains. Some popular options are “the” and “try” at the beginning of “agency” and the end.

Our digital marketing business name generator immediately tells you which names have available domain names.

It even goes beyond .com domains and shows which alternative domain extensions are acceptable. All you have to do is click the “+” symbol on any of the name ideas that the generator makes. It will give you a list of domains that you can register.

This will help you save so much time, and it will make the whole process a lot more enjoyable since you don’t have to use any other tools to determine which names have available domains.

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