Does Pinterest support GIFs? (2023 update)

So you are wondering if Pinterest supports GIFs, right?

The answer is YES, in a way.

Pinterest used to support uploading GIFs directly, but that seems to have changed at some point in 2021.

Here is a post from Reddit, with a user confirming that Pinterest support told them that GIFs are no longer supported on Pinterest:

Are GIFs supported on Pinterest?

If you try to upload a GIF to Pinterest, it seems like it will let you, but instead it will just be uploaded as a static image, rather than a GIF.

However, here is how you can upload GIFs to Pinterest

Using the social media scheduling tool OneUp, you can schedule Pinterest pins with a GIF and it will actually post WITH the GIF 🤓

This GIF pin was published using OneUp

OneUp has a Free Plan, and supports Pin Titles, Descriptions, and Destination Links.

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