ECML/CELV > Resources > Inventory of ICT tools
Mục lục bài viết
Principal function(s): Crossword puzzle creatorsQuiz/exercise makers
Wordwall is a free online tool for creating learning activities. With it, teachers can enter the topic that they would like to cover in class into the Wordwall and receive a variety of ready-made, fully customisable activities such as quizzes, word games, maze chases and much more. Users also can create their own activities from scratch. Moreover, most activities on Wordwall can be used in both interactive and printable formats.
Evaluation: Wordwall is a quick and easy-to-use tool to create interactive activities for your class. This tool offers a wide variety of activities to choose from and makes learning much more fun. Furthermore, it is available in many different languages. One of the tool´s drawbacks is that users can create only up to 5 activity types with a free account. Afterwards, activities have to be deleted to make space for new ones.
Cost: Free with registration + premium plans available
Type Of Interaction
- Group/pair work – classmates
- Individual work
- Presenting (e.g. lecturing, storytelling)
- Reading
- Writing
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Website/other users supply
- You supply
Interface User-friendliness/complexity of the tool´s interface
Time efficiency Time needed for mastering the „how-to“ of the tool and a production of a task
Interface language(s) The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to
Available in more than 20 languages
Respect for privacy Does the tool require registration? Who can see my data? Can I remain anonymous?
High. For more information visit:
Saving work for future use Possiblity to save your or others´ work for reuse/reproduction
Yes, login required
Tailorability (If so, how?) Possibility of the tool to be used for a range of different activities (e.g. to what extent you can organize a project assignment with a central activity based on this tool)
Yes, users can customize activities
Technical requirements
Installation required?
Compatibility/ Operating System
All operating systems
Other technical requirements