Edge Wallet: The Most Secure Mobile Bitcoin Wallet

Edge is a mobile wallet that makes holding and trading bitcoin simple, while also allowing users to send, receive, and trade additional digital currencies. 

Edge wallet is safe, secure, and user-friendly, resulting in a simple user experience for both newbies and veterans alike.


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Automatic client-side encryption ensures bitcoin keys are always encrypted and protected from malware.



HD address rotation, decentralized access, & zero-knowledge encryption make Edge the #1 most private cross-platform wallet.



Connectivity to multiple public bitcoin nodes ensures wallets function even if Edge servers are down.



Transaction tagging and the ability to import multiple private seeds into one single account makes the power users happy.



Creating an account with the familiarity of a username & password hides the complexity of cryptography and having to write down complicated seed phrases.



Edge Login, in-app plugins, and the Edge SDK connect the mobile wallet to a suite of other blockchain applications.


Incredibly Rich Functionality and Features for the Edge Bitcoin Wallet

  • Zero-access to user funds or transaction data by Edge or other 3rd parties

  • Fast Touch/Face ID login on both iOS and Android

  • Simple account creation using just a login & password (no printing of PDFs, writing down

    complicated seed phrases

    , or adding encryption settings)

  • Automatic encrypted wallet backup to redundant peer-to-peer cloud servers

  • One-Touch 2-Factor Authentication for the easiest-to-secure wallet in the world

  • Quickly switch accounts with username drop down on login screens

  • Multi-device synchronization across all mobile devices

  • Simple password recovery capability

  • Hierarchical Deterministic wallets with changing addresses per transaction

  • Multiple wallets per account with simple user

    defined wallet names (i


    e. “Vacation Fund”)

  • Support for over 140 currency exchange rates

  • Configurable mining fees per transaction

  • Decentralized server architecture. Wallets work even if Edge servers are down.

  • Integration with address book to auto-complete payee name and photo

  • Open-source code. Available on Github


Bitcoin is the reason we’re all here. After Satoshi Nakamoto released the famous Bitcoin White Paper and started running the Bitcoin Blockchain, a revolution was born. Our company was created to solve some of the challenges that Bitcoin presented to its users.

Bitcoin is a fast–moving, evolving network. Edge has always kept up, giving users the functionality they need to get the most out of what the Bitcoin network has to offer. The Edge Wallet supports Segregated Witness transactions, dynamic and custom mining fees, and connecting to your own full Bitcoin node.

Bitcoin is the oldest and most secure blockchain in existence and continues to solidify itself as high powered digital gold. Since our inception, we’ve been committed to helping users get the most out of Bitcoin, whether it be a payment method, store of value, or as an on-ramp to other digital currencies.


The Benefits Of The Edge Bitcoin Wallet

1. Buy, Sell, and Save Bitcoin

In addition to storing, transferring bitcoin between wallets, and receiving cryptocurrencies in their wallet, users can also swap assets while on the move. 

Crypto enthusiasts can utilize the wallet’s built-in exchange functionality to take advantage of market movements, even while away from their computer screens. You can easily swap a cryptocurrency you think is going to fall in value for another currency of greater value.


2. Mobile Access to Your Bitcoin and Other Crypto Assets

Edge wallet gives users access to their money anywhere, anytime. With Edge installed on their mobile device, users have complete freedom to instantly send or receive any of our supported cryptocurrencies.


3. Multi-Currency Support

Unlike many other mobile wallets, Edge supports multiple cryptocurrencies beyond Bitcoin. In addition, we are continuously developing and striving to add full support for additional currencies.


4. Highly Secure

Edge includes robust security features never previously seen in a mobile, web-based, or desktop cryptocurrency wallet. Click here to learn more about Edge’s security features.


5. Intuitive User Interface

We’ve designed our user interface with accessibility in mind, making it easy to create and access numerous wallets from the main Wallets dashboard. 


Cryptocurrency Wallet vs. Exchange—What’s the Difference?

A cryptocurrency wallet is specialized software that enables an investor to securely store their holdings, with users having options to choose between both hot wallets (online) and cold wallets (offline). Cold wallets are often described as the “safest” way for an individual to secure their cryptocurrency. At Edge, we fundamentally disagree with this narrative, and instead realize that “safety” and “security” are dependent on the threat a user is securing against. In developing Edge, our goal has been to create a wallet that offers both a high degree of security, as well as usability. Edge offers the ease of access that comes from a hot wallet for regular use, along with high levels of security previously said to only be achieved with cold wallets.

The term “wallet” is generally used to describe self-custody solutions where the user holds their own private keys. Exchanges, on the other hand, are custodians, meaning the exchange holds private keys on behalf of their customers. Exchanges were originally created to facilitate buying, selling, and trading different cryptocurrencies, with a variety of purchasing options. Wallets were originally created to allow users to send, receive, and hold their own private keys, without having to rely on a third-party custodian.

Today, many wallets have enabled exchange functionality inside of their applications. At Edge, our primary focus has been to provide robust, globally accessible exchange functionality inside of our application. While some wallets are more limited in their ability to support buying, selling, and trading, Edge’s core focus is to offer these to our end users all across the globe. This merger of exchange functionality into wallets has blurred the lines between what is a “wallet” and what is an “exchange”. The easiest distinction to make is that wallets offer self-custody, while with exchanges, the exchanges act as the custodian. 


Should I Keep My Crypto On An Exchange Or In A Wallet? 

The decision on whether to keep your cryptocurrency on an exchange or in a wallet is entirely personal. However, keeping your cryptocurrency on an exchange may result in a complete loss of funds if either your personal account or the exchange itself is hacked. As well, without controlling your own private keys, the exchange has complete control over your assets, resulting in third-party risk. 

If you’re an active day trader, keeping a relatively small position on an exchange is a good option for facilitating regular moves in and out of positions. This is due to reduced fees and settlement times on exchanges relative to the network fees and settlement times of on-chain transactions. Users should strongly consider storing their holdings directly in a wallet rather than an exchange for any assets being held for the long term and treated as an investment. Wallets offer far greater individual protection against hackers, with many having multiple layers of security to keep users’ crypto assets safe.