
Pinapple Joe


I never write reviews and this one isn’t even about all of the app. I am tired of all of the ads, what they promote, and how many times a day. The reason for writing is that I would like to say no to many things and when I do I get asked why. Perhaps no means no and I do not want to buy anything that I didn’t look up. To click the little x on purpose and still have to give a reason is foolish. Why do apps give into ads? Why are ads relevant? Who makes the money? Without people as customers then there would be no ads or money. Then there had been the fake profiles using pornstar pictures as their own while acting like another person. The hack messages had been old and annoying and the use of sexualized conversation and content behind it is even more annoying. If not lured by a stranger then some of my friends and family’s profiles get hacked and send me messages. If people can do the simplest of things on Facebook then it would only be assumed that the bigger scaled would be right there in second place if not leading the way. Updating an app to be so close and personal with my life isn’t why I need Facebook. Basically it is the only place to communicate with everybody that I know at once. Anyways y’all are supposed to be all high tech and I would expect more responsibility in areas that to me would be common sense. Keep it simple, pure, and for the people without selling out and everything will work out just fine. Good Day and Lord Bless Everybody.