GitHub – SND-LHC/snddist: Recipes to build SND software
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Recipes to build ALICE SW
Guidelines for commit messages
- Keep the first line of the commit below 50 chars
- Leave the second line empty
- Try to keep the lines after the third below 72 chars
- Use some imperative verb as first word of the first line
- Do not end the first line with a full-stop (i. e.
) - Make sure you squash / cleanup your commits when it makes sense (e.g. if they are really one the fix of the other). Keep history clean.
Fix issue in Geant4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.
Guidelines for contributing recipes
- Keep things simple (but concise).
- Use 2 spaces to indent them.
- Try avoid “fix typo” commits and squash history whenever makes sense.
- Avoid touching $SOURCEDIR. If your recipe needs to compile in source, first copy them to $BUILDIR via:
rsync -a $SOURCEDIR ./
Guidelines for handling externals sources
Whenever you need to build a new external, you should consider the following:
If a Git / GitHub mirror exists, and no patches are required, use it for the
package source. -
If a Git / GitHub repository exists and you need to patch it, fork it, decide a
fork point, possibly based on a tag or eventually a commit hash, and create a branch
in your fork calledalice/<fork-point>
. This can be done with:git checkout -b alice/<fork-point> <fork-point>
patches should be applied on such a branch.
If no git repository is available, or if mirroring the whole repository is
not desirable, create a repository with amaster
branch. On the master
branch import relevant released tarballs, one commit per tarball. Make sure
you tag the commit with the tag of the tarball. E.g.:git clone curl -O tar xzvf mysoft-version.tar.gz rsync -a --delete --exclude '**/.git' mysoft-version/ mysoft/ cd mysoft git add -A . git commit -a -m 'Import<version>.tar.gz' git tag <version>
In case you need to add a patch on top of a tarball, create a branch with:
git checkout -b alice/<version> <version>
and add your patches on such a branch.
Do not create extra branches unless you do need to patch the original sources.
Moreover try to keep the package name (as specified inside the recipe
in the package
field of the header) and the repository name the same,
including capitalization.
PWGMM owned packages
The following packages have been agreed to be under PWGMM ownership and will require its signoff to be deployed in production.
- aligenerators
- crmc
- epos
- epos-test
- hepmc
- jewel
- lhapdf
- lhapdf5
- powheg
- pythia
- pythia6
- rivet
- rivet-test
- sherpa
- thepeg
- thepeg-test
- yoda
Plus any of their dependencies.
Some instructions for working with a VM from CERN openstack
Assuming the user has read the openstack instructions and created a virtual machine.
CC7 – x86_64
- on lxplus, login to your newly created virtual machine with your key: ssh -i .ssh/yourkey [email protected]
- create your user: adduser yourUserName, passwd yourUserName, usermod -a -G wheel yourUserName
- logoff and logon with your user
- sudo yum group install"
Software Development Workstation (CERN Recommended Setup)"
- sudo yum install environment-modules - sudo yum install python-pip - sudo pip install --upgrade pip - sudo pip install alibuild - mkdir SNDBUILD,cd
SNDBUILD - git clone - git clone - aliBuild build sndsw -c snddist - alienv enter sndsw/latest -for
openGL / eventDisplay:export
C8 – x86_64
- on lxplus, login to your newly created virtual machine with your key: ssh -i .ssh/yourkey [email protected]
- create your user: adduser yourUserName, passwd yourUserName, usermod -a -G wheel yourUserName
- modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config: # PasswordAuthentication no
- sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config, escape :wq! sudo service sshd restart
- logoff and logon with your user
- sudo yum group install"
Software Development Workstation (CERN Recommended Setup)"
- sudo yum install texinfo - sudo dnf install libfabric-devel - sudo pip3 install alibuild - sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python - mkdir SNDBUILD,cd
SNDBUILD - git clone - git clone - aliBuild build sndsw -c snddist - alienv enter sndsw/latest -for
openGL / eventDisplay:export