GitHub – brightsign/brightsign-html5-digital-clock
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BrightSign Digital Clock
A digital clock component that can be used for any BrightSign HTML application.
All of the parameters, namely date-format, clock-style, timezone-in-minutes, face, and caption are typically supplied as a querystring, for example:
date-format: In the URL, supply this as the “format” parameter:
- format: Required for digital clocks. The date format for the digital clock. See for details. Default: hh:mm a.
clock-style: In the URL, supply the following parameters, which get concatenated as clock-style:
- font: Optional string. This is the font family. If used, the font file must be supplied. Default: chosen by the BrightSign player
- color: Optional string. The text color. Default: black.
- size: Optional integer. The font size. If no units specified, use points; if -1 or auto, size is automatic. Default: chosen by the BrightSign player
- width, height integers: Required. In pixesl. Required for centering of text or hands
- alignment: Optional string. Text or hand alignment: left or near, center, right or far. Default: center. Note: vertical alignment is always centered.
- offsetx, offsety: Optional integer. In pixesl. Offset of text relative to the alignment. Default: 0,0.
- opacity: Optional float. Range: 0-1.0. Opacity of text or hands. Default: 1.0.
- portrait: Optional boolean. Rotates the clock by 90 degrees. Default: false
timezone-in-minutes: In the URL, supply this as the “timezone” parameter:
- timezone: Optional integer. In minutes relative to UTC. This overrides the time on the BS player. Default: same as the player’s timezone.
face: In the URL, supply this as the “path” parameter:
- path: Optional string. Path or URL to the clock background image. Clock image is scaled to match width, height. Default: none.
- caption: Optional. Text that appears before the time in a digital clock. Default: none.