Grammarly Desktop

Personally, I can’t stand their commercials with the smug, pushy actors that insist if you don’t use this stinking product then you’re primordial ooze unworthy of written language. The whole smarmy feel of it regurgitates memories of the ads for “Blue Hippo Computers”. Recall their ads: “Are you stupid? Uh huh. Are you poor and just unable to manifest any sort of financial responsibility? Uh huh. Do you want, no, DESERVE a new computer? UH HUH! Are you really stupid enough to send money to us with our annoying, insistently overly chummy cartoon mascot? Uh huh.” I was amazed how many idiots fell for that. If you’re not familiar with it, do a google search and laugh at the blatant rip off it was and how the company shipped, like, only a dozen computers for the years it ran the ad.