How To Write Great Software Requirements Specification? | ReQtest

In this article, you will find the software requirements specification definition and its benefits. We will also provide a template for you to create a software requirements specification document.

When it comes to working on projects, it is essential that everyone is on the same page. So, while you may have had a successful meeting with your stakeholders or clients, things could still go wrong during development.

This could be due to certain aspects not being included in the initial briefing or perhaps there was a misinterpretation of how to go about the project. You can easily avoid these problems by specifying the software requirements thoroughly.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Definition

A software requirements specification (SRS) describes the software you want to develop. This includes what it will do and how it is expected to perform. The use of this document in a software development project is to layout its limitations, innovations, and capabilities.

This requirements document serves as a form of providing open communication of what is being developed and how it will operate.

software requirements specificationsoftware requirements specification

Goals Of Software Requirements Specification

● To provide a comprehensive brief of the scope of work involved in the project

● To deliver specific features that meet customer-specific requirements

● Involve various stakeholder contributions in developing this document

● To provide a layout of precise, manageable details for the developers and design team.

Benefits Of Software Requirements

Although the enormity of the task may seem daunting at first, it is advisable not to disregard the value and overall importance of software requirements specification documents. It can save the business both time and money in the long run due to its thorough planning. Some of the upsides to ensuring process include:

● Prevents additional, replicated work

● More accurate planning of cost and time estimations

● Betters stakeholder and customer communication as they are aware of the various specifications

● Eliminates the potential for mid-project/ later changes that will prove more costly

● Gives users a documented list of requirements

● Anyone involved can refer back to the document for future use

● Removes the complexities between the development stage to production

Software Requirements Specification Template

  1. Create An Outline

Make use of one of your old software requirements specification documents, or find one online to create an outline. The template should include the following sections:

1) Introduction (Elaborate on your purpose, intended audience, and who the product is being built for. Define the project scope as well)

2) Provide an overall description (include the user needs, certain assumptions made, and dependencies).

3) List the prerequisites and features of the system (functional, nonfunctional, and external interface aspects, as well as system features)

2. Define The Purpose Of Your Product.

Once you have arranged the general outline, it is time to fill it in. To begin, it is necessary to clearly describe the purpose of the document as well as the purpose of the software being developed. Following on from this, you need to define the intended audience in this section. Audiences may include project managers, developers, and testers.

Subsequently, the product scope should be laid out. This section details the software in use and should include business goals, benefits, and objectives.

3. Describe The Software

In the third step, you need to establish specific descriptions of the software. This could include things like whether it is a completely new product. This section also needs to explain how the audience can expect the software to behave and how it can be of assistance to the business’ objectives.

All the user needs and desired features are also laid out here. There are two types of users: primary and secondary. You need to categorize the users and sketch out user characteristics and the levels of use in detail.

Additionally, you need to record assumptions and dependencies in this section. These could include external factors that may disrupt or prevent your project from continuing.

4. Detail The Specific Requirements

This section entails all of the infrastructural requirements. It is essential to set out all information regarding database design, User Interface (UI) design, and other infrastructures necessary for software development.

Furthermore, functional requirements are crucial items to your product and include any risks and considerations. Your functional requirements should also include system features as the software requires them to run smoothly.

External interface requirements are another type of functional requirement necessary for computer systems. These interfaces are specific to your project. Some interface types include users, communications, hardware, and software.

On the contrary, nonfunctional requirements may consist of elements such as durability, performance, quality, reliability, and security.

5. Approval

Once you’ve clarified all of your software requirements, submit your specifications document to the project stakeholder for approval. Then make any necessary changes to ensure everyone is satisfied and on the same page.

Software Requirements Specification Example

As an example, let’s say you want to develop software a software application to connect people with various modes of transportation based on their location. The SRS needs to describe all requirements that developers need to meet in order to create the application successfully.

The document would include the essential features, target audience, how it will work, as well as its functional and nonfunctional requirements. These include everything from safety features to its interface.

Best Practices to Remember

You should always use clear language that is easy to understand. This ensures that there are no misinterpretations of the software requirements. This will save you from having to backtrack and redo something in the middle of the software development stage.

There are several helpful techniques to use when assembling your document. These include establishing workflows, wireframes, test table creations, and testing scenarios. Images and diagrams should also be made use of as a simple, quick means of communicating to the reader. These techniques can help streamline your project and make processes more efficient.


In this article, we have explained what an SRS document is and provided a guide on how to create such a document. This should help you in all your future software development projects.

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