How to Build an Enterprise Architecture Roadmap: 4 Styles to Consider | Avolution

Here we run through a few best-practices when building an enterprise architecture roadmap, and provide a structure to set your course.

You’ve decided to go to Hawaii for some sun and seafood. You’ve put a picture of your “target state” – Hawaii – on your wall. What you now need is a detailed plan which sets out the best path to take on each leg of your journey.

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In the world of enterprise architecture, we call this process “roadmapping”. Of course, the destination isn’t Hawaii, but a future state your business is aiming to achieve. The most effective roadmaps also consider the multiple ways of completing the entire journey, not just one leg. They consider multiple options for each of the transfers, whether to fly or take a cruise, stopovers along the way, etc. Likewise for a business.

Holding all of these permutations in your head is, of course, impossible. And you’ll quickly outgrow basic business tools such as Excel and PowerPoint.  That’s why you turn to your Enterprise Architect.

Their role is to chart these multiple options and weigh which are best in order to navigate with confidence towards the desired business endpoint.