How to Reinstall Damaged Software Components (prodreg) (System Administration Guide: Basic Administration)

  • Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Specifies the UUID of the software component you want to reinstall.

    Displays information on the name software component you want to reinstall.

    View the information on the software you want to reinstall.

    Identify the software that depends on the software you want to reinstall.

    # prodreg info -m "name" -a "Dependent Components"
    Dependent Components:
    Name                         UUID                                  #
    ---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
    component-a                     component-a-UUID                        1
    -m “name”

    Specifies the name of the software component you want
    to reinstall.

    -a “Dependent Components”

    Displays the components that depend on name software.


    Specifies the name of a software component that depends on name software.


    Specifies the UUID of the component-a software

    The component-a software component
    depends on the software you want to reinstall. To reinstall name software and not unregister component-a,
    you must perform a forced unregister of name software,
    then reinstall name software.