How to Use Your Smart Phone to Mine Crypto-Currency

If you know about cryptocurrencies, then you must have heard about crypto mining, even if you don’t understand what it is. However, one type of mining that might be strange to you is smartphone use to mine cryptocurrencies. Does this work? How is this possible? These are common questions that you are likely to ask, and they will be answered in this article.

Crypto Mobile Mining – Does it Work?

Yes, it does work. It is possible to mine bitcoin with an android device even if you might have numerous reasons to stay away from it. Also, using a mobile phone to mine crypto coins isn’t close to the way the traditional mining software or hardware works. As well as applying a mobile time clock app is the opposite of the ordinary clock. Mining crypto with a smartphone will likely not give you a good enough profit to be worth the effort and time you put into it, given its current state.

This is not because these smartphones aren’t powerful or strong enough for you to use them to mine crypto. The reason is that other miners use way more powerful tools that almost make the use of smartphones useless. People using more powerful PCs are likely to get incentives from mining.

As stated in an assignment writing service on cryptocurrency, regular mining means validating blockchain transactions by solving complicated math problems. To do this, miners use the GPU power or computer processor, which consumes a massive amount of energy.

Crypto mining is a much more industrial activity. There is software specifically created for mining. Miners now invest their monies in ASIC mining devices to increase their profit margin. This also gave birth to pool mining. These innovations aim to bring together more computing power to improve miners’ chances of solving the algorithm problem and getting the rewards.

This is also how mobile crypto mining works, however, on a significantly smaller scale in comparison. You can join the mining pool with your smartphone or mobile mining farm. However, you will be sharing an insignificant amount of power with your network compared to other miners. So, when the rewards are shared within the network, your percentage will be very small about your computing power.

How to Mine Bitcoin on Android

Here is the difference between mining by yourself or doing it within a pool.

Android Solo Mining

Mining crypto on android is not so easy. The popularity of bitcoin continues to rise exponentially, and it’s now very attractive for crypto miners.

According to the best paper writing service, each bitcoin has a 64-bit address generated cryptographically and a private and public key, which miners generate. However, bitcoin’s currency unit limit is hardcoded 21 million, and it will take an android phone some months before it generates a little bitcoin fraction.

Cryptocurrency Mining Pool

These are mining groups hosted by servers in which everyone contributes computing resources used to crack transactions. If a pool successfully decrypts a crypto transfer, each member gets their cut based on the amount of computing power they contributed.

There are crypto mining apps created for android that will require you to join a pool. You’re unlikely to find which pool is the best. However, before you join a mining pool, you should consider its size. This will determine the regularity of payment (so big pools pay more often), the fees to be paid, and the reward method. Most PPS (Pay-per-share) pools have a fixed amount that they play whenever they submit the share of a crypto block. On the other hand, score-based pools only pay a portion of the shares they weigh when they submit the share.

Popular Apps to Mine Cryptocurrency on a Smartphone

If you have decided that you want to join the party and start mobile crypto mining, you have to get a mining app and make sure that your phone has a constant light source. Some of the most popular apps, as listed on some thesis writing services in the USA, for mining crypto on a smartphone are:

  • MinerGate Mobile Miner: with this mobile app, you will be able to mine multiple altcoins apart from Bitcoin. Some of the altcoins you will be mining are Dash, Monero, QuazarCoin, MonetaVerde, and DigitalNote. There’s also an in-built wallet in the app for users to store the coins they have earned.
  • Bitcoin Miner: this is probably the most popular android app for mining cryptocurrencies currently and is available for most devices. The interface is very user-friendly, and it has wonderful performance, as the numerous positive reviews confirm. Although the name explicitly mentions bitcoin, you can use this app to mine multiple coins.


It is relatively straightforward to start mobile crypto mining. You only need to get a smartphone and the mining app as well. You could use your phone while the app works in the background, and you’re getting your reward.

The negative side to cryptocurrency is that these mining apps affect your phone’s overall performance and may end up destroying the device. So, it might cost you the cash that you intend to make from it in the long run.

Author Bio:

Jessica Chapman is a writing editor from Chicago. She works at write my thesis where she’s one of the best essay writers providing cheap assignment writing service. She is into sports and politics and enjoys traveling. Find her on Facebook.

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