How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age
Mục lục bài viết
Generally Good…. except
It would be lovely to live in a world where there wasn’t actual danger in assuming that other people are harboring only the very best of intentions. Unfortunately, we do not live in that world. Especially as women, assuming that people are good and honorable and trustworthy is a really poor idea, depending on the circumstances.
This is a “nice” book – it would be great if just genuinely being this nice and positive and well-meaning could be as beneficial and SAFE as it seems to have been for Mr. Carnegie. I will certainly use these techniques in situations where there’s no observable reason NOT to, but they’re simply not applicable across the board. Also, I have concerns about how this could easily make women look like doormats and also incredibly naive.
There are some great things to note about this version (I want to go back and read the original now), especially the points about how anything you say on the internet can live forever, and in this way, we need to be more intentional and careful with our words than previous generations.
So go ahead and read this – and then apply judiciously. Especially if you’re a woman.