How to download Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 (not 2017)

I have a Resharper 9x license and it is only compatible up to MS VS Community 2015 edition. I tried to download the 2015 version from Microsoft but their website stubbornly wants me to have 2017, only. Can someone please provide me a url to the 2015 edition? Or, explain how to navigate Microsoft’s site to obtain the 2015 edition?

Update on solution

1) vs_community.exe is the download filename for any version, 2015, 2017, etc. You will not know which version it is until you click the .exe. You will then see the version in the title of the installer.

2) There is a url trick to get the version that you want.

…change the rel=15 to rel=17 etc

Or use the links provided in the answer below