ICE Futures and Options | Product Guide

Trading Screen Product Name
Bakkt BTC (USD) Monthly Future
Trading Screen Hub Name
Contract Symbol


Contract Size

1 Bitcoin

Price Quotation

US Dollars per bitcoin, to two decimal places

Minimum Price Fluctuation

$2.50 per bitcoin ($2.50 per contract).
Block Trades may be executed at $0.01 per bitcoin ($0.01 per

Daily Price Limit


Listing Cycle

Up to 12 consecutive contract months

Final Settlement

Physical Delivery in the Bakkt Warehouse

Delivery Locations

Bakkt Warehouse

Last Trading Day

The business day prior to the Delivery Day for the contract
Trading in the expiring contract month ceases at 2:30 pm NY time on
the Last Trading Day

Last/Only Delivery Day

Up to and including the January 2022 expiry month: the third Friday
of the contract month.

For the February 2022 and later expiry months: the last Friday of
the contract month.

Off Exchange Trade Types

EFRP and Block Trades permitted

Block Trade Minimum

10 lots

NCR, RL and IPL Levels

NCR – $300.00
RL – $750.00
IPL – $1,500.00, 5 second recalculation and hold periods.

Daily Settlement Window

4:58 to 5:00 pm EPT

Position Limit

Spot Month Position Limit – 25,000 lots.
Position Accountability Level – 25,000 lots in any month and in all
months combined.

MIC Code
Clearing Venues

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