Installing R and RStudio – Easy R Programming – Easy Guides – Wiki – STHDA

In our previous article, we described what is R and why you should learn R. In this article, we’ll describe briefly how to install R and RStudio on Windows, MAC OSX and Linux platforms. RStudio is an integrated development environment for R that makes using R easier. It includes a console, code editor and tools for plotting.

To make things simple, we recommend to install first R and then RStudio.

  1. R can be downloaded and installed on Windows, MAC OSX and Linux platforms from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) webpage (

  2. After installing R software, install also the RStudio software available at:

Install R and RStudio on windows

Install R for windows

  1. Download the latest version of R, for Windows, from CRAN at :

Download R for Windows

  1. Double-click on the file you just downloaded to install R

  2. Cick ok –> Next –> Next –> Next …. (no need to change default installation parameters)

Install RStudio on Windows

  • Download RStudio at :

Download RStudio for Windows

Install R and RStudio for MAC OSX

  1. Download the latest version of R, for MAC OSX, from CRAN at :

  2. Double-click on the file you just downloaded to install R

  3. Cick ok –> Next –> Next –> Next …. (no need to change default installation parameters)

  4. Download and install the latest version of RStudio for MAC at:

Install R and RStudio on Linux

  1. R can be installed on Ubuntu, using the following Bash script:

sudo apt-get install r-base

  1. RStudio for Linux is available at

To install the latest version of R for linux, read this: Installing R on Ubuntu

Further ressources for installing R and RStudio

It is relatively simple to install R, but if you need further help you can try the following resources:

  • Installing R on Windows
  • Installing R on Mac
  • Installing R on Ubuntu


This analysis has been performed using R software (ver. 3.2.3).