Internet Explorer Security Settings

WS_FTP Server Web Transfer Client help

Internet Explorer Security Settings

If you use Internet Explorer and you have trouble downloading files using the Web Transfer Client, you should be able to correct this problem by adjusting your security settings for file downloads and for trusted sites:

File Download Settings

  1. Select Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Click Custom Level.
  4. About 1/3 of the way down the page, enable automatic prompting for file downloads and File download.

Trusted Sites Settings

  1. Select Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Select Trusted Sites, then click the Sites button.
  4. Enter the Web Client URL into the Add this website to the zone box, then click Add. For example, if the URL you use to connect to the server is, enter it in the box.

    If the URL you use to connect is a non-secure URL (it begins with “http” rather than “https”), be sure to clear the checkbox for Require server verification (https) for all sites in this zone.

  5. Click Close to close the Trusted sites dialog.
  6. Click Apply to save the security settings. Then click Close to close the Internet Options dialog.

Security Settings

Internet Explorer 11 may not display the Rename and Delete icons in the Web Transfer Module. To fix this issue, in Internet Explorer go to Security Settings > Downloads > and enable Font Downloads.