IrfanView 64-bit version

Starting with IrfanView 4.40 there is also a 64-bit version available.

Advantages of IrfanView 64-bit over 32-bit version:

  • It can load VERY large files/images (image RAM size over 1.3 GB, for special users)
  • Faster for very large images (25+ Megapixels, loading or image operations)
  • Runs ‘only’ on a 64-bit Windows (Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10, Win11)

Advantages of IrfanView 32-bit over 64-bit version:

  • Runs on a 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
  • Loads all files/images for normal needs (max. RAM size is about 1.3 GB)
  • Needs less disc space
  • All PlugIns will work: not all PlugIns are ported (yet) to 64-bit (like OCR) and some 32-bit PlugIns must be still used in the 64-bit version, some with limitations (see the “Plugins32” folder)
  • Some old 32-bit PlugIns work only in compatilibilty mode in IrfanView-64
  • Command line options for scanning (/scan etc.) work only in 32-bit (64-bit TWAIN drivers are rare => in case of problems, use IrfanView-32 for scanning)


  • You can install both versions on the same system, just use different folders. For example: install the 32-bit version in your “Program Files (x86)” folder and the 64-bit version in your “Program Files” folder (install 32-bit PlugIns to IrfanView-32 and 64-bit PlugIns to IrfanView-64, DO NOT mix the PlugIns and IrfanView bit versions)
  • The program name and icon have some extra text in the 64-bit version for better distinguishing


Available 64-bit downloads

Download IrfanView-64 English (Version 4.62, Self extracting EXE file, 4.04 MB) 

(SHA-256 checksum: d9d4c5f3120a9420e2dbaf0ee8931556e161787fbc4297d5fb4e4c7616fdd668)

Download IrfanView-64 English (Version 4.62, ZIP file, 3.58 MB) 

(SHA-256 checksum: 8ae63019c130bcaa6cc230b08b235eb55df2eff3481f92414b5b48cff8efe8a2)

Download von IrfanView-64 Deutsch/German (Version 4.62, EXE-Installer, 4.31 MB)

(SHA-256 checksum: f58d28fc0fc9e14bd8fb4b6b4e4550872a7da7c8c0ec5a8d65d5ba21ee50eb67)

Download von IrfanView-64 Deutsch/German (Version 4.62, ZIP file, 3.85 MB)

(SHA-256 checksum: 6d5fdfb628e0d5fa3ee8abde259186812875fbf317e2bc7d75bac95c5a9688ec)

Download IrfanView-64 PlugIns (Version 4.62, EXE-Installer, 24.00 MB) 

(SHA-256 checksum: 29542a9229a36e4e7be5a9b2a3a433632ddc06e40fe2324ad7317b0679b389dc)

Download IrfanView-64 PlugIns (Version 4.62, ZIP file, 21.60 MB)

(SHA-256 checksum: 0a55bc5154d8285b056f5839a9890860c570c7e80d3fa2ec5c91395a0b9ff1f8)

PlugIns updated after the version 4.62:

Plugins page