Hello Reader, we all must have used the computer. But some of you may not know very well about analog computer and digital computer. Would not know about the difference between analog and digital computers. So, in today’s article, you will know about all these things.
After reading this article completely, whatever doubts you may have regarding analog and digital computers will definitely be cleared. After that, you will not need to go to any other site or read any other book.
Both analog computers and digital computers are types of computers using which users can perform many difficult tasks in a simple way. These computers help in understanding new technology and modern work.
Both these computers have been playing an important role in all the places of the world i.e. in education, sports, automobile, health, military etc. It helps users to easily complete difficult tasks using today’s technological devices.
So friends, now let us understand what are Analog Computer and Digital Computer and have made the difference between Analog and Digital Computer.
What is Analog computer?
The computer that uses Continuous Signal to process the data is called an Analog computer. The output of this computer does not remain stable. Analog computers are those computers whose physical quantities keep on changing. It is used to measure something. Like speedometer is used to measure speed, the thermometer is used to measure temperature. The voltmeter is used to measure voltage.
Analog computers are still used in many places today. Due to this, it is used more in the medical and science fields. Because there are many things on it for which analog computers are used to measure.
Examples of Analog computer: Thermometer, Speedometer, Weight measurement machine, etc.
Types of Analog Computer
Analog computers are divided into three parts according to the way they work-
- Mechanical Analog Computer – The use of these types of computers is commonly seen in vehicles, motors etc. These computers are used to measure the capabilities of all these things.
- Electronic Analog Computer – Computers that are used in electrical equipment are called electronic analog computers. For example, electricity meter etc.
- Analog Digital Computer – Such computers are included in those places in which both analog and digital features are found. For example, the machine installed in the petrol pump.
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What is Digital Computer?
A digital computer is a computer that understands the binary number system and processes it and provides output. Generally, this computer understands 0s means off and 1s means on. The digital computer gives accurate output.
The user gives input to the computer through a keyboard and mouse, so that the compiler and interpreter in the computer convert it into binary language. Because of that, the computer can easily understand the input given by the user.
This Digital computer converts machine-level language into high-level language and also high-level language into machine-level language. All these tasks happen through input, output and process unit.
Types of Digital Computer
Based on the characteristics of the digital computer, it has been divided into 4 parts.
- Supercomputer: These types of computers are capable of working at a faster speed than all other types of computers. Basically, these computers are used to store and display extensive data. Also, a supercomputer has the capability to execute millions of instructions in a few seconds. Generally, supercomputers are used in research centers, nuclear weapons design, places like the National Security Agency etc. For example of supercomputers – IBM Summit, Sierra, Sunway Taihulight, FUGAKU etc.
- Mainframe computer: Mainframe computers are large in size so, It has a lot of storage capacity and many high-end processors are installed. Its processing capacity is much higher than that of a normal computer. So, It is used to perform complex tasks. It is generally used to store and execute research data, census data etc. For example of Mainframe computer are Hitachi, HP, Fujitsu, and Unisys, etc.
- Mini Computer: A minicomputer is a computer that is small in size, less expensive, and less powerful. It is less powerful than supercomputers and mainframe computers but more powerful than the personal computer. This type of computer is generally used for business, database management, time-sharing, file handling, and scientific reason.
- Personal Computer: This computer was made to be used by an individual user. Therefore, the personal computer is a small and low-budget computer. By this, we also call it desktop. However, its main feature is that it is used in every small and big place like school, college, government office, home etc. For example of Personal computers are desktops, laptops, mobile, tablets, etc.
Difference between Analog and Digital computer
Analog ComputerDigital ComputerThe computer which processes using continuous signals is called analog computer.A computer that processes discrete signals is called a digital computer.The output of analog computer is not accurate. It keeps on changing from time to time.The output of a digital computer is always correct.This type of computer is used to measure physical parameters like temperature, length, weight, etc.This type of computer is basically used for calculations, data storage, programming, etc.Analog computers are slow to measure or process something.It takes very less time to process something on a digital computer.Storing data in an analog computer is a very complicated task. In this the storage capacity is negligible.It is very easy to store data on a digital computer. It has a large storage capacity.Basically, these computers are used in the science and health field.These types of computers are easily used in every field.This type of computer is difficult to use. It takes practice to use it.These types of computers are very easy to use and give instructions. No special training is required to learn them.Components like capacitors and resistors are used to measure a parameter in an analog computer.To perform a task in a digital computer, that task is executed by using a microprocessor, logic gate, etc.
What is analog computer?
The computer that uses Continuous Signal to process the data is called an Analog computer. The output of this computer does not remain stable. Analog computers are those computers whose physical quantities keep on changing.
What is analog computer example?
Examples of Analog computers are thermometer, voltmeter, analog clock, odometer, etc.
What is digital computer example?
A digital computer is a computer that understands the binary number system and processes it and provides output. This computer understands 0s and 1s. 0 means off and 1 means on. Digital computer gives accurate output. Examples of Digital computer are Petrol pump meter, Calculator, Desktop, Laptop etc.
What are the difference between analog and digital computer?
There are many differences between digital and analog computers, but the important difference is that analog computers process a task using continuous signals. Apart from this, the output of analog computer does not remain stable. Discrete signals are used to perform a task in a digital computer. It has stable and accurate output.
Both analog and digital computers are different according to their functions. The way of working these two is also different and analog and digital computers perform better in their respective fields.
Analog computers are less reliable than digital computers. So friends, today you will know what are analog and digital computers and what is the difference between analog and digital computers. Hope you have understood this article.
Through this article, we have explained what is analog and digital computer and the difference between analog and digital computer. Hope you have understood this article. If you have any doubts regarding this article, then you can feel free to ask us. We will try our best to solve your doubt.
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