List of Available Courses

2023 Training Program2020PSTP

2023 Power System Training Program (Eight Weeks Long)

At a glance

Students interested in enrolling in multiple courses are encouraged to contact us for Discounted prices!

Companies that are interested in enrolling in multiple students are encouraged to contact us for discounted prices! 

Program Details

12 Courses in a duration of 8 weeks! Delivery Dates will be determined and communicated to all interested Attendees.



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 ESGP – Energy & Smart GridESGP_600

Energy & Smart Grid Overview for Non-technical Professionals


At a glance

The energy industry, like any other, is supported by professionals in finance, marketing, human resources management, legal, and of course, engineering. So it stands to reason that power engineers are not the only ones who need to understand how the electric power system works in order to provide service and implement the needed changes that will enhance the system’s performance, improve reliability, and integrate renewable resources and other green technology initiatives.

4 Days
Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) – 0
Professional Development Hours
(PDHs) – 0

Course Details




View Schedule FAQ’sOnline Learning TutorialsTutDY



At a glance

This online learning tutorial is an introduction to the hands-on course of PSS®E – Dynamics Simulation using PSS®E in Version 33.  This tutorialis designed to familiarize new users with the Dynamic Simulation features of the PSS®E program, and to explore how different types of disturbances can cause systems to behave in certain ways through analysis of system response outputs from PSS®E dynamic simulations.  We encourage you to register for the full course once you have completed the tutorial.

Once you purchase this tutorial, you can start and finish with no time constraints as many times as you wish!!

Module 1: Dynamics Model Development

Module 2: Dynamics Data Checking

Module 3: Dynamics Running a Simulation

Module 4: Dynamics Plotting Simulation Results

View a sneak preview of the Dynamics tutorial by clicking here

Module 5: Dynamics Process Automation




View Schedule TutFA



At a glance

This online tutorial will cover the following modules from Version 33 of PSS®E Power Flow and Steady State Analysis course:

Module 1: Fault Analysis

Module 2: Fault Calculation

Module 3: Reporting and Visualization

Module 4: Process Automation

View a sneak preview of the Fault Analysis tutorial by clicking here

Once you purchase this tutorial, you can start and finish with no time constraints as many times as you wish!!

We encourage you to register for the full course once you have completed the tutorial.




View Schedule TutPF



At a glance

This online learning tutorial is an introduction to PSS®E – Power Flow and Steady State Analysis using PSS®E. The tutorial is designed to familiarize new users with the Power Flow features of the PSS®E Version 33 program. We encourage you to register for the full course once you have completed the tutorial.  

Module 1: Modeling

Module 2: Power Flow Solutions

Module 3: Data Checking

Module 4: Contingency Analysis

Module 5: Reporting and Visualization

Module 6: Process Automation

View a 

sneak preview

of the Power Flow tutorial by clicking here

sneak preview

Once you purchase this tutorial, you can start and finish with no time constraints as many times as you wish!!




View Schedule Online-PSSC-Systems Softwarepssc_525_online

PSS®E – Fast Track Introduction to Steady State & Dynamics using PSS®E

At a glance

PSS®E – Fast Track Introduction to Steady State and Dynamics using PSS®E is an intensive hands-on course for power system engineers interested in learning the basic functions of PSS®E Power Flow and Dynamics in a condensed format. This course will help users get started with power flow data entry, solution and report, and apply data-checking functions in PSS®E to identify power flow modeling issues. In addition, participants will understand how to set up a dynamic simulation database in PSS®E, perform simulations of different types of disturbances and produce plots of key variables for analyzing transient and dynamic stability behaviors of the power system. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to immediately begin study work using PSS®E for steady state and dynamics analyses.

7 Days
4 Hour Daily Sessions (10AM-2:30PM EST)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 2.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 28

Course Details

is an intensive hands-on course for power system engineers interested in learning the basic functions of PSS®E Power Flow and Dynamics in a condensed format. This course will help users get started with power flow data entry, solution and report, and apply data-checking functions in PSS®E to identify power flow modeling issues. In addition, participants will understand how to set up a dynamic simulation database in PSS®E, perform simulations of different types of disturbances and produce plots of key variables for analyzing transient and dynamic stability behaviors of the power system. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to immediately begin study work using PSS®E for steady state and dynamics analyses.




View Schedule PSSC_600

PSS®E and Python Integrating Workflow (Part 1 – Intro)


At a glance

In the PSS®E and Python™ Integrating Workflow (Part 1 – Intro) course participants will learn the basics of the Python language and how to automate PSS®E using the Python APIs.

Upon completing this course, participants who have little or no experience with Python will have the tools they need to start writing Python programs and driving PSS®E from Python. Participants with stronger programming and PSS®E skills will be able to make their processes more powerful and efficient.

5 Days Online Only (May 2023)
3 Day Hybrid Course (October 2023 – Register for In-person or online)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) -2.0
Professional Development Hours (PDHs)-20

Course Details




View Schedule PSSC_650

PSS®E and Python Integrating Workflow (Part 2 – Advanced)


At a glance

In the PSS®E and Python™ Integrating Workflow (Part 2 – Advanced) course participants will learn advanced capabilities of the Python language, and learn to apply these to create powerful Python programs to automate PSS®E.

Upon completing this course, the participant will have the tools needed to write advanced programs in Python to drive PSS®E and process the output.


3 Days Online Only (May 2023)
2 Day Hybrid Course (October 2023 – Register for In-person or online)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 1.2
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 12

Course Details





View Schedule PSSC_720

PSS®E – Advanced Model Writing in PSS®E


At a glance

Design, operation and protection of generation and transmission systems requires a thorough understanding of dynamic behavior of machines and controls as well as their interaction with the network and loads. System designs require unprecedented detail and dimensions in simulation capability; they depend on accurate prediction of transient and dynamic stability.

The PSS®E – Advanced Model Writing course provides participants with an understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of dynamic modeling using PSS®E, a power simulation tool. In this hands-on course, participants will have an opportunity to write several user-defined models.

Upon completion of this course, participants will understand dynamic simulation objectives and requirements and will be able to use this knowledge to develop their own models in PSS®E.

7 Days Online Only (April/May 2023)

5 Day Hybrid Course (November 2023 – Register for In-person or online)

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) -4.2

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) -42

Course Details

(CEUs) -4.2(PDHs) -42




View Schedule PDEC-DistributionPDEC_500

Introduction to Power System Studies & Power Circuit Analysis (PE_DISTENG)


At a glance

Introduction to Distribution System and Power Circuit Analysis The Introduction to Distribution Systems and Power Circuit Analysis course provides engineers with a fundamental understanding of the distribution systems and power system analysis. This is a great course for anyone who needs to better understand distribution system components, and the power circuit analysis techniques applicable to the identification of the distribution system limits and performance under normal and emergency conditions.

Upon completion of this course, the participant will have the ability to analyze common power circuit problems and will have a stronger understanding of distribution system problems and equipment applications. 

3 Days
Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) – 1.8

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 18

Course Details

IMPORTANT: Do not make travel arrangements until you receive class confirmation from Siemens Power Academy 




View Schedule PDEC_540

Distribution Transformers – Grounding & Protection


At a glance

To successfully deploy a smarter grid, it is essential to understand the fundamentals of what exists in today’s system. The Distribution Transformers, Grounding and Protection course discusses the practical aspects of transformer applications. This course is designed for electric utility engineers and technicians involved in distribution planning, engineering, standards, protection, and operation of the distribution system. It is also valuable to engineers involved in consulting and the design of industrial and commercial power systems.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a better understanding of the important aspects and contemporary applications of Distribution Transformers, Grounding and Protection.

3 Days

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

– 1.8 

Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

– 18

Course Details

To successfully deploy a smarter grid, it is essential to understand the fundamentals of what exists in today’s system. The Distribution Transformers, Grounding and Protection course discusses the practical aspects of transformer applications. This course is designed for electric utility engineers and technicians involved in distribution planning, engineering, standards, protection, and operation of the distribution system. It is also valuable to engineers involved in consulting and the design of industrial and commercial power systems.Upon completion of this course, participants will have a better understanding of the important aspects and contemporary applications of Distribution Transformers, Grounding and Protection.- 1.8- 18




View Schedule PDEC_563

Understanding System Losses for Utility Management


At a glance

This course provides transmission and distribution planning engineers, rate design engineers from utilities, and regulatory commissioners with methods for effectively modeling, analyzing, allocating and reducing losses. Topics include loss evaluation techniques, methods for simplifying the loss calculation, principal causes of losses (transformers and lines) and program requirements to reduce them effectively.

3 Days
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 1.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 18

Course Details




View Schedule PDEC_591

Substation Engineering (PE-SUBENG)


At a glance

Electrical substations are an integral piece of any distribution network between generation and consumers. Substations are complex projects involving many aspects of engineering; from conceptual layout to detailed design, procurement, and maintenance, there are many factors involved.

The objective of the Substation Engineering course is to provide participants with a basic understanding of the electrical engineering design fundamentals for new substations or for expansions of existing stations.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a fundamental understanding of
substation design, which is a must for engineers and technicians working in the power system.

4 Days
Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) – 1.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 18

Course Details

IMPORTANT: Do not make travel arrangements until you receive class confirmation from Siemens Power Academy 




View Schedule PDEC_620

Distributed Generation & Energy Storage Applications (REN-STORAG)


At a glance

Distributed generation (DG) is becoming a key component of current and future energy strategy in the US and throughout the world. The

Distributed Generation and Energy Storage Applications

course focuses on DG technologies, the power system impacts of DG, DG interconnection requirements and issues/solutions that must be addressed to integrate DG onto the electric power system.

2 Days

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) – 1.2

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 12

Course Details

IMPORTANT: Do not make travel arrangements until you receive class confirmation from Siemens Power Academy 





View Schedule PDEC_630

Low Voltage Networks – Theory and Practical Applications (NET-LV)


At a Glance

Most major cities throughout the country have low-voltage network systems in the downtown commercial areas, supplying important loads requiring highly reliable service. Many network systems have been in service for more than 60 years, and the engineers familiar with these have retired. An understanding of the fundamentals of network system design, protection and operation is required by engineers and technicians involved with secondary networks for the first time.

The Low-voltage Networks – Theory and Practical Applications course teaches the design, operation, and protection practices used for both dedicated feeder grid and spot network systems, and for non-dedicated feeder spot network systems.

3 Days
Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) – 1.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 18

Course Details




No sections available. PDEC_655

Distribution Automation for the Smart Grid (SG-DISAUTO)


At a glance

Government and regulatory bodies are pressuring power utilities to improve power supply reliability while maintaining voltage level of the system within limits. Distribution Automation is one of the smart grid applications that can enable reliability improvement while accounting for voltage control. The Distribution Automation course provides participants with a practical understanding of system, equipment, economic and communication aspects of Distribution Automation applications.

4.5 days
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 2.7
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 27

Course Details




View Schedule PSEC-Engineering2020PSTP

2023 Power System Training Program (Eight Weeks Long)

At a glance

Students interested in enrolling in multiple courses are encouraged to contact us for Discounted prices!

Companies that are interested in enrolling in multiple students are encouraged to contact us for discounted prices! 

Program Details

12 Courses in a duration of 8 weeks! Delivery Dates will be determined and communicated to all interested Attendees.



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PSEC_515: Project Management for Power System Engineers


At a glance

Project teams face challenges such as aggressive deadlines, scope creep, communication breakdowns and financial constraints. It takes solid project management skills and knowledge to successfully manage these challenges and achieve project success.

This course discusses and examines tools used in the project management process for scheduling and controlling the types of projects a power system engineer would encounter.

2 Days (Hybrid Option available, attend either online or in-person)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 1.2
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 12


Course Details – Coming Soon!!




View Schedule PSEC_535

PSEC_535: Power System Studies for Transmission Scale Renewable Generation and Energy Storage


At a glance

Understanding the role of renewable energy in the power supply portfolio is critical when developing a reliable and feasible power system, which meets Renewable Portfolio Standards and reduces the utility’s carbon footprint. Power system engineers need an appreciation of the planning and operational impacts of integrating renewable generation into the transmission system and an understanding of renewable energy policies to sustain and grow this largely unharnessed energy source.

The primary objective of this course is to provide an overview of the technical challenges and benefits of integrating large amounts of renewable generation (wind and solar) and energy storage into the transmission system, along with the power system studies that need to be conducted.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a deep understanding of the latest renewable generation and energy storage technologies, their capabilities and limitations and methods to assess their impacts on the transmission system.

4 Days (Hybrid Option available, attend either online or in-person)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 2.4
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 24

Course Details




View Schedule PSEC_580

Industrial Power System Applications


At a glance

The efficient design and continuous modernization of plants is a crucial factor in order to secure sustainable business success in all industries. The objective of the Industrial Power Systems Applications course is to provide participants with a basic understanding of power system analysis that will enable them to make the best decisions across the lifecycle of their plant and equipment – from initial project planning through operation and maintenance or for expansion of the existing plant.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a theoretical knowledge of design and operation of a modern industrial power system and will be able to apply problem- solving strategies to their plant network.

3 days (Hybrid Option available, attend either online or in-person)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 1.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 18

Course Details




View Schedule PSEC_600

PSEC_600: Power System Dynamics Introduction – Theory


At a glance

Understand the dynamic models of power system components and the classical control techniques to determine system transient and small signal stability. The Power System Dynamics – Introduction course explores both theory and practice for modeling major power system components, such as synchronous machines, excitation systems, governors and loads, and provides examples using PSS®E.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of dynamic effects encountered in operation of the power system and expansion planning analysis.

4.5 Days 

(Hybrid Option available, attend either online or in-person)

Continuing Education Hours

(CEUs) – 2.7

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 27

Course Details

Upon completion of this course, participants will have an understanding of dynamic effects encountered in operation of the power system and expansion planning analysis.(CEUs) – 2.7(PDHs) – 27




No sections available. PSEC_635

PSEC_635: Power System Scheduling and Market Operations


At a glance

This course provides the link between physical system components and the market. It covers a variety of topics including market operations, economic dispatch, unit commitment,automation generation control, operating security and interchange evaluation, and power systems state estimation. Instruction will cover different power generation sources, the various measures of power plant efficiencies and how to plot these measures from plant test or design criteria. This course includes hands-on examples using PSS®E.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a basic understanding of the energy management and control center activities of economic dispatch, unit commitment, electricity market operations, automation generation control, contingency analysis and state estimation. This is a great course for technicians, operators, economists, engineers and most professionals in the industry.

3 Days
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 1.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 18

Course Details – Coming Soon!!




View Schedule PSEC_640

Protective Relaying Fundamentals


At a glance

Protective devices serve to increase system performance and play a crucial role in minimizing equipment damage and customer outages that can result from short circuits and other abnormal power system operating conditions.


Protective relays and other protective devices are vital in maintaining reliability in today’s electric power systems.


Protective Relaying – Fundamentals is designed for engineers interested in deepening their practical understanding of the protective devices and systems commonly used in generation, transmission, sub-transmission and distribution systems.

Upon completion of this course, engineers working in all areas of power system planning, operations, testing and construction will be able to relate the operation of the protective system to their particular area of responsibility.

3 Days 

(Hybrid Option available, attend either online or in-person)

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) – 1.8

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 18

Course Details

is designed for engineers interested in deepening their practical understanding of the protective devices and systems commonly used in generation, transmission, sub-transmission and distribution systems.Upon completion of this course, engineers working in all areas of power system planning, operations, testing and construction will be able to relate the operation of the protective system to their particular area of responsibility.(CEUs) – 1.8(PDHs) – 18




View Schedule PSEC_720

PSEC_720: Economic Transmission Planning


At a glance

Today’s transmission system is challenged with renewable energy integration, competing interests of investors, consumers and environmental advocates, and the increasing role information technology plays in the delivery of electric energy. The growth in behind-the-meter solutions from demand response to on-site generation, and the emergence of alternative networks, such as microgrids, means that the transmission system’s reliability function has become more complex, and the economic evaluation of competing projects, less straightforward.

The primary objective of this course is to teach fundamental and advanced economic concepts as an integral component of transmission planning and project evaluation. The objective is to instill in transmission planners the economic and transmission concepts that will allow for best in class project planning and analysis.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to apply these concepts for short, intermediate and long-term planning studies and to judge the relative merits of competing transmission projects.

2 Days 

(Hybrid Option available, attend either online or in-person)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

– 1.2

Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

– 12

Course Details

– 1.2- 12

Today’s transmission system is challenged with renewable energy integration, competing interests of investors, consumers and environmental advocates, and the increasing role information technology plays in the delivery of electric energy. The growth in behind-the-meter solutions from demand response to on-site generation, and the emergence of alternative networks, such as microgrids, means that the transmission system’s reliability function has become more complex, and the economic evaluation of competing projects, less straightforward.The primary objective of this course is to teach fundamental and advanced economic concepts as an integral component of transmission planning and project evaluation. The objective is to instill in transmission planners the economic and transmission concepts that will allow for best in class project planning and analysis.Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to apply these concepts for short, intermediate and long-term planning studies and to judge the relative merits of competing transmission projects.




View Schedule PSEC_750

PSEC_750: Advanced Distribution Analysis and Planning Study Techniques


At a glance

Only a few years ago performing simple peak load and minimum load steady state studies, along with simple protection studies were sufficient to plan the distribution system. However, with new technologies integrating into the distribution system such as distributed generation, energy storage, distribution automation etc., increasingly complex studies are required.

In this course students will learn from our expert instructors who perform these complex studies on a daily basis. Upon completion of this course, participants will be armed with the knowledge to perform these studies and better positioned to cope with an ever increasingly complex distribution system.

2 Days 

(Hybrid Option available, attend either online or in-person)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

– 1.2

Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

– 12

Course details coming soon!

Only a few years ago performing simple peak load and minimum load steady state studies, along with simple protection studies were sufficient to plan the distribution system. However, with new technologies integrating into the distribution system such as distributed generation, energy storage, distribution automation etc., increasingly complex studies are required.In this course students will learn from our expert instructors who perform these complex studies on a daily basis. Upon completion of this course, participants will be armed with the knowledge to perform these studies and better positioned to cope with an ever increasingly complex distribution system.




View Schedule PSSC-Systems SoftwarePSSC_500

PSS®E – Power Flow and Steady State Analysis Using PSS®E


At a glance

The PSS®E – Power Flow and Steady State Analysis Using PSS®E course is designed to familiarize new users with the Power Flow and Fault Analysis features of the PSS®E program. Participants gain experience through hands-on exercises. Upon completion of this course, new PSS®E users will be acquainted with most program functions in sufficient detail for them to begin study work relevant to power flow, fault analysis and other types of steady state analysis.

It is recommended to take the

online tutorial

as a prerequisite to attending the full formal course.

4.5 Days (Hybrid Course – Attend in-person or online)

Continuing Education Units

 (CEU’s) – 2.7 

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 27

Course Details




View Schedule PSSC_510

PSS®E – Voltage Control & Reactive Power Planning Methods (PSSE-VCONT)


At a glance

The PSS®E – Voltage Control and Reactive Power Planning Methods course provides a thorough coverage of today’s voltage control and reactive power planning issues, and of the tools and procedures that are most effective in studying them. Upon completion of this course, the participant will have a working knowledge of voltage control issues and reactive power planning using PSS®E.

7 Days – Online
Continuing Education Units
 (CEUs) – 2.7

Professional Development Hours

 (PDHs) – 27

Course Details

(PDHs) – 27





View Schedule PSSC_510A

PSS®E – Voltage Control & Reactive Power Planning Webinar


At a glance

Sign up 3 or more employees and received 5% off. Sign up for this course and another course in the catalog receive 10% off.

All Attendees who register will receive a Certificate of Completion upon completion. 

.5 Days
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 4

Course Details




No sections available. PSSC_525

PSS®E – Fast Track Introduction to Steady State & Dynamics using PSS®E


At a glance

PSS®E – Fast Track Introduction to Steady State and Dynamics using PSS®E is an intensive hands-on course for power system engineers interested in learning the basic functions of PSS®E Power Flow and Dynamics in a condensed format. This course will help users get started with power flow data entry, solution and report, and apply data-checking functions in PSS®E to identify power flow modeling issues. In addition, participants will understand how to set up a dynamic simulation database in PSS®E, perform simulations of different types of disturbances and produce plots of key variables for analyzing transient and dynamic stability behaviors of the power system. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to immediately begin study work using PSS®E for steady state and dynamics analyses.

5 Days
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 3.0

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 30

Course Details

(PDHs) – 30





View Schedule pssc_525_online

PSS®E – Fast Track Introduction to Steady State & Dynamics using PSS®E

At a glance

PSS®E – Fast Track Introduction to Steady State and Dynamics using PSS®E is an intensive hands-on course for power system engineers interested in learning the basic functions of PSS®E Power Flow and Dynamics in a condensed format. This course will help users get started with power flow data entry, solution and report, and apply data-checking functions in PSS®E to identify power flow modeling issues. In addition, participants will understand how to set up a dynamic simulation database in PSS®E, perform simulations of different types of disturbances and produce plots of key variables for analyzing transient and dynamic stability behaviors of the power system. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to immediately begin study work using PSS®E for steady state and dynamics analyses.

7 Days
4 Hour Daily Sessions (10AM-2:30PM EST)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 2.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 28

Course Details

is an intensive hands-on course for power system engineers interested in learning the basic functions of PSS®E Power Flow and Dynamics in a condensed format. This course will help users get started with power flow data entry, solution and report, and apply data-checking functions in PSS®E to identify power flow modeling issues. In addition, participants will understand how to set up a dynamic simulation database in PSS®E, perform simulations of different types of disturbances and produce plots of key variables for analyzing transient and dynamic stability behaviors of the power system. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to immediately begin study work using PSS®E for steady state and dynamics analyses.




View Schedule PSSC_550

PSS®E – Dynamic Simulation Using PSS®E (PSSE DYNSI)


At a glance

An intensive hands-on course, PSS®E – Dynamics Simulation using PSS®E is designed to familiarize new users with the Dynamic Simulation features of the PSS®E program, and to explore how different types of disturbances can cause systems to behave in certain ways through analysis of system response outputs from PSS®E dynamic simulations.

Upon completion of this course, PSS®E users will be acquainted with the commonly used program functions in sufficient detail for them to begin study work involving dynamic simulations.

It is recommended to take the online tutorial as a prerequisite to attending the full formal course.

4.5 Days (Hybrid Course – Attend in-person or online)
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 2.7
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 27

Course Details




View Schedule PSSC_600

PSS®E and Python Integrating Workflow (Part 1 – Intro)


At a glance

In the PSS®E and Python™ Integrating Workflow (Part 1 – Intro) course participants will learn the basics of the Python language and how to automate PSS®E using the Python APIs.

Upon completing this course, participants who have little or no experience with Python will have the tools they need to start writing Python programs and driving PSS®E from Python. Participants with stronger programming and PSS®E skills will be able to make their processes more powerful and efficient.

5 Days Online Only (May 2023)
3 Day Hybrid Course (October 2023 – Register for In-person or online)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) -2.0
Professional Development Hours (PDHs)-20

Course Details




View Schedule PSSC_650

PSS®E and Python Integrating Workflow (Part 2 – Advanced)


At a glance

In the PSS®E and Python™ Integrating Workflow (Part 2 – Advanced) course participants will learn advanced capabilities of the Python language, and learn to apply these to create powerful Python programs to automate PSS®E.

Upon completing this course, the participant will have the tools needed to write advanced programs in Python to drive PSS®E and process the output.


3 Days Online Only (May 2023)
2 Day Hybrid Course (October 2023 – Register for In-person or online)

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 1.2
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 12

Course Details





View Schedule PSSC_655

Power Electronics in Transmission Systems (PSSE-PETS)


At a glance

Utilities are incorporating a multitude of new technologies in order to optimize their ability to supply and deliver power efficiently and economically. Among these technologies, HVDC (high voltage direct current) and FACTS (flexible AC transmission system), are most prominent. The Power Electronics in Transmission Systems (PETS) course presents operating and control fundamentals of these technologies. This hands-on course includes PSS®E based simulation examples of these technologies. 

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the principles involved in power electronics devices and will be able to apply this knowledge when incorporating these devices into their transmission system.

4.5 Days

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) – 2.7

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 27

Course Details

IMPORTANT:  Do not make travel arrangement until you receive class confirmation from Siemens Power Academy




View Schedule PSSC_700

PSS®MUST – Using System Transmission Data for Decision Making (PSS-MUST1)


At a glance

The PSS®MUST software program can efficiently calculate the impact of power transfers on key network elements, identify the most limiting contingencies and constraints, calculate incremental transfer capability (FCITC), and calculate the sensitivity of monitored elements or transfer capability to transactions, generation or load changes. These techniques are useful for a variety of applications such as calculating interface/flowgate transfer limits, determining the impacts of new generator or transmission projects, and calculating generator redispatch/TLR factors for relieving overloads.

Upon completion of PSS®MUST – Using System Transmission Data for Decision Making, participants will know how to use the interactive functions in PSS®MUST to examine and understand network conditions and limitations.

3 Days
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 1.8
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 18

Course Details

IMPORTANT:  Do not make travel arrangement until you receive class confirmation from Siemens Power Academy





View Schedule PSSC_710

PSS®E – Advanced Power Flow using PSS®E (PSSE-ADVPF)


At a glance

Program users will be able to perform advanced steady state analyses with ease upon completion of the PSS®E – Advanced Power Flow Using PSS®E course.

4.5 Days (Hybrid Class – In-person or Online)

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) – 2.7

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 27

Course Details

Utility engineers who conduct studies with PSS®E must understand the fundamental concepts of power system behavior as well as know how to execute the many advanced routines within the program. This course is directed at the experienced PSS®E user who would like to increase his or her analytical skills in steady state applications.Program users will be able to perform advanced steady state analyses with ease upon completion of the PSS®E – Advanced Power Flow Using PSS®E course.(CEUs) – 2.7(PDHs) – 27





View Schedule PSSC_715

PSS®E – Advanced Dynamic Simulation for PSS®E (PSSE-ADVDY)


At a glance

PSS®E – Advanced Dynamic Simulation for PSS®E is a hands-on course designed for experienced engineers interested in learning advanced analysis of system stability and dynamics. Examples and exercises focus on dynamic modeling of components such as synchronous generators, excitation systems, prime movers, wind turbines, HVDC and FACTS devices, and loads.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have the knowledge and the ability to incorporate the advanced dynamic simulation capabilities of PSS®E into the analysis of their power system.

4.5 Days (Hybrid Class – Register for In-person or online)

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) – 2.7

Professional Development Hours

 (PDHs) – 27

Course Details

PSS®E – Advanced Dynamic Simulation for PSS®E is a hands-on course designed for experienced engineers interested in learning advanced analysis of system stability and dynamics. Examples and exercises focus on dynamic modeling of components such as synchronous generators, excitation systems, prime movers, wind turbines, HVDC and FACTS devices, and loads.Upon completion of this course, participants will have the knowledge and the ability to incorporate the advanced dynamic simulation capabilities of PSS®E into the analysis of their power system.(CEUs) – 2.7(PDHs) – 27




View Schedule PSSC_718

PSS®E – Introduction to Model Writing in PSS®E


At a glance

Design, operation and protection of generation and transmission systems requires a thorough understanding of dynamic behavior of machines and controls as well as their interaction with the network and loads. System designs require unprecedented detail and dimensions in simulation capability; they depend on accurate prediction of transient and dynamic stability.

The PSS®E – Introduction to Model Writing course provides participants with an understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of dynamic modeling using PSS®E, a power simulation tool. In this hands-on course, participants will have an opportunity to write several user-defined models.

Upon completion of this course, participants will understand dynamic simulation objectives and requirements and will be able to use this knowledge to develop their own models in PSS®E.

Hybrid Course – Attend In-person or Online

3.0 Days

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) – 1.8

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 18

Course Details

(CEUs) – 1.8(PDHs) – 18

Design, operation and protection of generation and transmission systems requires a thorough understanding of dynamic behavior of machines and controls as well as their interaction with the network and loads. System designs require unprecedented detail and dimensions in simulation capability; they depend on accurate prediction of transient and dynamic stability.The PSS®E – Introduction to Model Writing course provides participants with an understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of dynamic modeling using PSS®E, a power simulation tool. In this hands-on course, participants will have an opportunity to write several user-defined models.Upon completion of this course, participants will understand dynamic simulation objectives and requirements and will be able to use this knowledge to develop their own models in PSS®E.




View Schedule PSSC_720

PSS®E – Advanced Model Writing in PSS®E


At a glance

Design, operation and protection of generation and transmission systems requires a thorough understanding of dynamic behavior of machines and controls as well as their interaction with the network and loads. System designs require unprecedented detail and dimensions in simulation capability; they depend on accurate prediction of transient and dynamic stability.

The PSS®E – Advanced Model Writing course provides participants with an understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of dynamic modeling using PSS®E, a power simulation tool. In this hands-on course, participants will have an opportunity to write several user-defined models.

Upon completion of this course, participants will understand dynamic simulation objectives and requirements and will be able to use this knowledge to develop their own models in PSS®E.

7 Days Online Only (April/May 2023)

5 Day Hybrid Course (November 2023 – Register for In-person or online)

Continuing Education Units

(CEUs) -4.2

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) -42

Course Details

(CEUs) -4.2(PDHs) -42




View Schedule PSSC_730

Introduction to PSS®SINCAL


At a glance

Participants will acquire basic knowledge on how to use the net planning program PSS®SINCAL for basic calculations on topics related to load-flow and short circuit. Students will participate in hands-on exercises using PSS®SINCAL. This course is valuable to engineers and service technicians who work in operation, planning and design of power systems.

3 Days

Continuing Education Units

 (CEUs) – 1.8

Professional Development Hours

 (PDHs) -18

Course Details – Coming Soon!!




View Schedule PSSC_800

Introduction to PSS®E GIC Module


At a glance

Geomagnetic Disturbances (GMDs) occur when solar energetic particles from the sun migrate to the earth and cause short-term variations in the earth’s magnetic field. These variations can eventually lead to Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) and a potential increase in var losses and harmonic distortion that may lead to voltage stability problems. The objective of the PSSC 800 course is to provide participants with an introduction to the GIC module in PSS®E, the theory of GIC, and the configuration and operation of the module.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a fundamental understanding of GIC theory and basic knowledge to perform GICstudies using PSS®E.

1 Day
Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) – 0.6
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 6

Course Details




View Schedule PSSC_800_810

Introduction to PSS®E GIC Module and GIC Workshop


At a glance

Geomagnetic Disturbances (GMDs) occur when solar energetic particles from the sun migrate to the earth and cause short-term variations in the earth’s magnetic field. These variations can eventually lead to Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) and a potential increase in var losses and harmonic distortion that may lead to voltage stability problems. The objective of the PSSC 800 course is to provide participants with an introduction to the GIC module in PSS®E, the theory of GIC, and the configuration and operation of the module. PSSC 810 is a hands-on workshop during which the instructor will review and discuss the participants’ actual PSS®E GIC models.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a fundamental understanding of GIC theory and basic knowledge to perform GIC studies using PSS®E. Participants will also be able to perform GIC studies on their own system to prepare for the next solar flare.

2 Days
Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) – 1.2
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 12

Course Details





No sections available. PTEC-TransmissionPTEC_500

Fundamentals of Overhead Transmission Line Design (HV-OVHDLN)


At a glance

The Fundamentals of Overhead Transmission Line Design course provides participants with
a fundamental understanding of the electrical and mechanical design of AC 69-765 kV
transmission lines. Upon completion of this course, participants will understand how transmission lines are designed and how they fit into an integrated power system design.

4.5 days
Continuing Education Hours

(CEUs) – 2.7 

Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) – 27 

Course Details




View Schedule PTEC_550

Overhead Transmission Line Asset Management (HV-OVHDMO)


At a glance

Overhead Transmission Line Asset Management provides participants with a fundamental understanding of the commissioning, maintenance and operations techniques that are a vital part of any overhead transmission line (OHTL) asset management program. Designed for electrical technicians and engineers, this course covers concepts that are of special importance to those working in the field.

Upon completion of this course, participants will better understand the fundamentals of OHTL asset management methods and tools, and be able to apply this knowledge to their asset management procedures.

4.5 Days
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – 2.7
Professional Development Hours (PDHs) – 27

Webcast Price: $2,800.00
Classroom Price: $3,020.00

Course Details




View Schedule Training Needs AssessmentTNA

Training Needs Assessment (TNA)


Training Needs Assessment (TNA)

Siemens Power Academy now offers to help your company assess your training needs. The Training Needs Assessment is conducted via a survey and interviews concluding with a report that indentifies the gaps by business priority along with other useful statistics.  The results provided in the report will identify the knowledge gaps that exisit across multiple departments and can be used to create a training program to address those gaps. Not only is conduting a TNA an excellent way to assess your training needs, it can also save a lot of time and money knowing that your company is getting the right training they need to meet your company’s goals. 

Click here for the TNA Request Form!


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