Logo | Facebook app | Brand Resource Center

Audience-Specific Use


If you use Facebook brand assets in TV, digital advertising or print packaging, you must submit your creative to the Facebook team for review, prior to launch. If you’re a Facebook partner or working on a Facebook sponsorship, please speak to your Facebook contact. They will provide brand guidance and permission as required.

Advertising on Facebook

When developing creative for advertising on Facebook, follow Ad Policy guidelines at facebook.com/policies/ads that outlines what types of ad content are allowed.

If you wish to use an animated or 3D concept in your Facebook ad, don’t incorporate any Facebook brand assets, icons, UI, elements of the UI, or any elements that may resemble Facebook or its products. We encourage you to be creative in your ads by showing special effects or animation in your video without using the Facebook UI your Facebook contact. They will provide brand guidance and permission as required.

Packaging and Merchandising

Facebook does not permit or license any of its assets for use on merchandise or other products, such as clothing, hats or mugs. In certain circumstances you can use the “f” logo on product packaging, but you must follow the guidelines of use here and submit a request for permission.

Using Facebook Content

Don’t feature the Facebook brand prominently

Facebook brand assets should not be the most prominent feature of your marketing creative so as to imply partnership, sponsorship or endorsement.

Don’t feature the Facebook Brand inappropriately

This applies to materials associated with pornography, illegal activities, or materials that violate the Facebook terms. Creative showing Facebook assets in a negative context will not be approved.