abq jim
I just loaded this on my MacBook Air (late 2020 model), and have eto say that it seems like the UI is somewhat broken. There are simple functions on the UI that just don’t seem to work as I would expect. For example: The Page Options icon (… in upper right of UI), when clicked nothing happens – UNTIL you click again just off the … icon. Also If I click on my profile image (lower left of UI) NOTHING HAPPENS – until I click – once again – somewhere OFF that icon. Where selecting a particular conversation would seem to be the “meat and potatoes” of the App, even that doesn’t work as it seems like it should. I click on the specific message in the list, and – you guessed it – NOTHING HAPPENS. If I then slide my mouse pointer off to the left margin, lo-and-behold, the message finally comes up. I just don’t get this! It seems to be the LEAST INTUITIVE user interface (UI) I have ever seen. While the mobile App on my iPhone seems to behave ESACTLY as I would expect, this Mac Desktop incarnation is just the opposite. As a result, I will likely delete it and just use the iPhone (or iPad). Pretty sad!