Mining City Mining Plans
Mining City provides Customers with the chance to take part in the organized cryptocurrency mining operations. Customers can purchase Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Vault (BTCV) and Electric Cash (ELCASH) Mining Plans and enjoy the daily Mining Income that is generated by the hash power of these Mining Plans.
Mining City offers six different Bitcoin, Bitcoin Vault and Electric Cash Mining Plans. When you purchase any of these Mining Plans you are actually purchasing a contract for 1,100 days of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Vault or Electric Cash mining at a specified hash power.
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What is Mining City Compensation Plans ?
In addition to daily Mining Income, Mining City also provides Members commissions paid in BTC, BTCV or ELCASH through the Compensation plans. The commissions are generated through the referral system and are based around the Binary Tree and the Team Tree.
The size of Commissions for the referral system varies based on Members’ performance, where the better they perform, the greater the Commissions that they can receive. Compensation Plan commissions are received based on the following criteria:
- Rank
- Team Tree structure
- Binary Tree structure
What is Binary Tree ?
The Binary Tree is a 2–leg tree, where each position has a left and right position. Only your Referrer can position you into the Binary Tree after you purchase a Mining Plan. Once positioned in the Binary Tree, you cannot be moved, however, you will be able to add your Members into the Binary Tree into an open position below you on your left or right side.
When you are added to the Binary Tree, the Binary Points generated from your Mining Plans’ value are added to the tree. Additionally, if you later purchase a Mining Plan, then these Binary Points are also added to the tree. The Binary Points go to all members above you and are added to the left or right total, depending on which leg the Binary Points come from.
The total amount of Binary Points that can be accumulated in a 24–hour period is determined by your Rank. Once you reach the maximum daily amount of Binary Points according to your Rank on your weaker leg (the leg of the Binary Tree below you that has fewer Binary Points), no more Binary Points will be accumulated on either of your legs until the following day.
What is a Team Tree ?
The Team Tree consists of the Members that you refer and those Members which have been referred by Members of your Team Tree. In order to be added to your Team Tree, Members must first purchase a Mining Plan. The 1st Level of your Team Tree consists of Members directly referred by you; the 2nd Level of your Team Tree consists of Members referred by your 1st Level Members, and so on. There is no limit to the number of Levels that can exist in your Team Tree.
Team A and Team B
The first 5 Members that are referred by you and purchase a Mining Plan are placed in your Team A – all additional Members that you refer, who purchase a Mining Plan, are placed in your Team B. Members in both Teams, Team A and Team B, make up the 1st level of your Team Tree.
How do you buy bitcoin?
You need to first convert your currency into bitcoin with a bitcoin exchange company of your choice . I personal used Altcoin trader to exchange my curremcy into bitcoin the link for Altocoin trader is below.
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