Mr. Bean (Videogame)

Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean’s Wacky World of Wii is the name of the Wii version


Beyond Reality Games


Blast! Entertainment (Europe)
Red Wagon Games (North America)

Release date

November 23, 2007 (PS2 EUR),

March 14, 2008 (DS EUR), February 6, 2009 (Wii EUR), February 9, 2009 (PC EUR), January 31, 2011 (Wii NA)


PS2, Wii, DS, PC

Mr. Bean (stylised as Mr. Bean’s Wacky World of Wii for the Wii port of the game) is a 2007, 2008 (2.5 3D platformer DS version), 2009 (Wii and PC) and 2011 3D platformer and published by Blast! Entertainment (published in North America by Red Wagon Games) and developed by Beyond Reality Games.




Teddy has been kidnapped and its up to Mr. Bean and Irma Gobb as another playable character to save him with a 750 cat biscuit (1000 on Wii and PC) ransom on Teddy’s head from a mysterious kidnapper who is actually Scrapper. Mr. Bean will go through 3 areas, those areas are Mrs Wicket’s Back Garden, The Sewers, In The Wild or The Wilds (only on the Wii and PC version) and The Factory. You collect cat biscuits and jigsaw pieces (jigsaw pieces much like the episode Treasure!) and you use bug spray, frying pans, pirate costumes and slingshots (Wii and PC) for combat. Minigames are included but not part of the actual story.




The many characters Mr. Bean will encounter are:

PS2 and DS:

Wii and PC extras:

  • Deer from In The Wild
  • Cows
  • Turret Gun (2 types)
  • A Tree
  • A Sunflower
  • A Rotten Vegetable
  • Pidgeons
  • Crows

and probably many more.




  • The FMV cutscenes which you get seem to not make sense. It’s like the developers taped over an episode or used what they got from TigerAspect for the FMVs, the only one that actually made sense was the introduction FMV which used footage from Treasure!, another thing about the FMVs is they are higher quality on the Windows version then any other version (DS of course does not have cutscenes.)
  • A FMV only on the PS2 verison with Blast!’s mascot explaining the basics of the game seems to be showing an early version of the game while it was most likely still in development. This FMV was left over in the Wii version of the game.
  • The Wii and PC port of the game have added extras like a new area, new enemies, minigames, more music tracks, 200 more cat biscuits and 20 more jigsaw pieces to collect.
  • It is required you collect 750 and 1000 cat biscuits for Teddy’s ransom but you dont have to collect the other 250 or 200 unless you want to 100% the game.
  • The DS version that was released in 2008 seems to be the most different of all versions released. It is a 2.5 3D platformer which follows the same story and amount of ransom needed for Teddy in the PS2 version.
  • The game managed to see a North American release in 2011 for the Wii with a new publisher under the name of Red Wagon Games, Blast! shut down in 2009 and it is the only American release of the game and 2 years after any of the other versions were released in Europe.
  • The original version of the Wack-a-mole minigame was Vac-a-mole on the PS2, it’s unknown why this was changed.
  • The game is very mediocre and feels slapped together under a very short period of time, Blast! is known for producing games of awful quality but this seems to be one of their better attempts at a game.
  • A title screen with Mr. Bean holding a torch with Irma, Lottie and Teddy was present in the PS2 version as well as a language selector, that language selector was kept for the european version of Wii but not PC. The title screen can no longer be seen in the Wii or PC versions except the DS, though it’s texture still exists in those other versions.
  • It’s hard to say what episode this is based on, it’s a mish-mash of multiple but it’s base episode seems to be Treasure! because a part of the plot of the game is collecting jigsaw pieces, using a frying pan and a pirate costume like in the FMV and part of the episode.
  • People would always say they never knew who the real kidnapper was but who would want cat biscuits other then a cat? Scrapper, of course is the one to blame for stealing Teddy although we aren’t sure how he wrote that ransom sign.
  • All versions of the game seem to be all different versions of each other. The DS version is V1.7, the PS2 version is V3.5, V3.9 for the Wii version and V5.2 for Windows. This information was taken from TCRF.
  • All versions of the game have a debug mode.
  • All versions of the game except for the DS version seems to be encryped except for the Game folder, the Movies folder, the Music folder and files called Game.exe, Game.ini, GAME.BRA and ReadMe.txt. They are encrypted with a format called PLF which is a Mr. Bean data file and a 3DF format which is a highly compressed 3D file which, to my research, is associated with the CAD model format.
  • The game runs on an engine made by Beyond Reality that is used by most of Blast!’s games in collaboration with them. That probably explains why the models look so unoptimized.
  • The games “credits” only feature the enemies of the game. NOT the actual developers of the game, but the entire team is shown in the instruction manual of the game.
  • The PS2 and PC verison seem to be identical to each other, sharing their 25fps framerate and Mr. Bean’s right arm not being crooked.



Mr bean gameMr bean game

Irma gobbIrma gobb


Bug sprayBug spray

Frying panFrying pan



Mr bean hooverMr bean hoover