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The blockchain and cryptocurrencies are relatively new technologies and in
certain respects untested. As with any new rapidly developing technology,
there’s a risk that it might not function as intended, and any tokens or
cryptocurrencies associated with a blockchain may not have functionality
that is desirable or valuable. The regulatory status of cryptographic
tokens, digital assets and blockchain technology is also unclear or
unsettled in many jurisdictions. It is difficult to predict how or whether
governmental authorities will regulate such technologies. It is likewise
difficult to predict how or whether any governmental authority may make
changes to existing laws, regulations or rules that will affect
cryptographic tokens, digital assets, blockchain technology and their
applications. Finally, investments in cryptographic tokens, digital
assets, blockchain technology and their applications are subject to
numerous risks, including without limitation risks associated with
third-party attacks, limitations on the ability to transact or resell,
security related issues such as expropriation or theft, the theft, loss or
unauthorized access to private keys to digital wallets, reliance on third
parties, counterparty risk and risks associated with taxation. There is a
potential for loss in any investment, including loss of principal
invested. All investments involve risk, and different.