Offshore Software Development in Vietnam

We are, without a doubt, operating in a digital world, where many companies have no choice but to diversify their ways of outsourcing, especially with innovative technologies. Vietnam has realized the huge gap that is present in technology and innovation, and many companies have hired at least one IT offshore developer to make outsourcing in Vietnam even effortless.

The best way for companies to survive is by continually transforming into something new altogether. It is with a constant transformation that companies can gain the opportunity to innovate their production process.

The primary problem for tech firms is profound if they don’t adopt innovative technologies, especially in the management of retail stores, pricing of products and services, preparation of inventories, and managing human resources.

👉 Settled in Vietnam for more than three years, I have hear a lot of crunchy stories about outsourcing and offshore IT development in Vietnam. 🤔 It was mind-blowing : Some of my friends working for IT companies in Vietnam shared with me the non-disclosed and “in-house secrets” of IT outsourcing companies and some are not recommendable 😂.

🚨 Specifications not respected, impressive turnover causing delays in project delivery, huge language barrier with the client, testing procedures or documentation with major defects. To sum up, working with Vietnamese offshore IT companies is like a slippery slope. Of course, I will not point out some of those companies publicly or I will be bumped up 💥.

💻 To be fair, there are still a lot of reliable companies in the market existing for long, with strong teams with foreign clients working on long term projects. It’s not so hard to find them because of their reputation. I can show you the list of the companies I think are the prestigious ones to work with 👇.

Do you need to reach a outsourcing company ? Describe to me your project and I will try to help you out.

But what exactly is offshore software development? And what do you expect when outsourcing in Vietnam companies that offer this service competitively? Read on…

For Starters: What is Offshore Software Development?

Offshore software development or engineering is an innovative way of outsourcing. The term offshore implies sending trading operations to a remote management platform, where a professional IT offshore developer runs things distantly. One of the underlying features of outsourcing is that it is less costly, but somewhat risky when touching on Return on Investment (ROI). This, even though, is not significantly adverse, especially for qualified businesses or companies. If a company approaches outsourcing persistently, it will eventually achieve a lot of benefits.

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Notably, creating new digital products, for example, web apps, mobile apps, chat-bots, inventory systems, can be tricky. It may take a lot of time and resources, including expert human resources, as well as coordination to make everything work seamlessly. But you can hire a professional and experienced IT offshore developer to help you with the technical aspects, and a special team to help with the management process.

Software development offshore can as well mean farming out some tasks to third parties, for example, outsourcing in Vietnam. Many software agencies can help you with this. In many cases, the partnering company or agency is located overseas, for example, Vietnam.

Outsourcing can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Delegating the whole project or a part of the project to other agents or parties;
  2. Recruiting and hiring a team of professionals to handle outsourcing within your company.

You can hire a freelance developer who is well versed in one or many fields, such as creating games, mobile apps, or web apps. At some point, depending on the kind of products your company seeks to offer, you can also request the services of artists or a creative team. They will help you with research and in coming up with innovative ideas that can be implemented by the IT software developers offshore. With the onset of new technologies, some companies choose to hire 3D model artists and designers, including motion artists or UI/UX experts and graphic designers. You can pick one from the list or all of them and form a strong team of professionals behind your outsourcing department.

Expectations from Software Development Offshore companies in Vietnam

Outsourcing in Vietnam companies may bring both pros and cons that are worth identifying before you choose to make a move. While outsourcing is somewhat inexpensive, a lot of actions that you will make and your decisions will determine whether you will spend more or less.

looking for offshore development team : benefits

Furthermore, your company of choice will establish whether you will achieve your intended goal of streamlining your operations for the short-term and long-term. The following are some of the most crucial things to expect when choosing to outsource in Vietnam companies:


Vietnam is known for a low cost of living for locals and expats living and working in the country. This is one of the most preferred countries for investors and business people alike, as compared to other countries in Western Europe and even America. You are assured of a comfortable life, even if you have minimal levels of income.

Access to Skilled Workforce

Gaining access to a skilled workforce is an added advantage for investors in Vietnam. A skilled workforce helps to run your company successfully, guaranteeing high-quality products and services.

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Vietnam has broad access to skilled labor, from within the country and also overseas. Moreover, most of the specialized personnel come from China, where many software engineers and developers are honed. This helps to expand your line of business digitally. Such a skilled workforce helps to complete tasks faster and efficiently.

No Administrative Costs to Access Human Resource

Many outsourcing companies in Vietnam have a high-level system of accessing skilled employees, simply because they have to remain competitive in the market. In this regard, you don’t have any need to set aside administrative costs for managing human resources or conducting recruitment programs.

Shared responsibility

When you embark on partnering with a local company in Vietnam, you have the best chance of sharing responsibility costs that help with developing your company. This is mostly the culture of offshore companies in Vietnam that come together to merge shares and risks as well. This helps to ensure that all your projects run smoothly. However, this is pegged on your agreement with the partnering company and the business outcomes.

High-Quality Products and Services

Merging with companies in Vietnam gives you an added advantage when it comes to producing and selling top quality products.

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You will work with a productive work structure, which includes sophisticated technologies and skilled personnel. In the end, you will manage to control the market of consumers that trust brands that offer high-quality products and services. The trick is maintaining quality, and the outcome will be fruitful all the way.

Communication Challenges

You may experience some communication issues based on different time zones, working hours, or bandwidths. You may also encounter slow down times when communicating with your partners in Vietnam, primarily due to different geographic regions.

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However, by conducting your activities fast, and by resolving everything in advance, you will manage to solve problems that may arise.

Cultural barriers

Vietnam is known for its rich culture that can be misleading at some point, notably if you are venturing in this country for the first time. Some signs and meanings of words and actions vary from country to country. For example, work ethics, gender issues, as well as racial considerations, differ widely. But with an intermediary, you can streamline everything and further lower cultural barriers.

Data security

As Vietnam is striving to boost its technology structure and infrastructure, you are bound to experience data security issues related to fraud, hacking, and copyright infringement. Therefore, it is advisable to invest in robust data security measures to safeguard sensitive data or personal details of customers when working with the software development offshore team.

Looking for a legit outsourcing company? Click here and I’ll recommend one fitting your needs.

Q&A Outsourcing and IT Development in Vietnam : Questions you may have in mind ?

🤑 Why would I outsource software development to Vietnam?

Outsourcing a part of work to other countries has been a common practice among many businesses in the world, especially in Western countries. Vietnam is one of the top offshore software development countries, as it offers high-quality services delivered by educated specialists. Moreover, Vietnam is known for its affordable prices, especially for software development services.

🚨 Pitfalls and mistakes to be avoided in IT offshore outsourcing?

Many companies made mistakes that wasted precious time, money and sometime ruined their reputation with their own customers because they did not select a legit partner to collaborate with and outsource their IT projects in Vietnam. There have been many internal scandals about poor communication, delays in deliveries, major defects … I share behind the scenes about outsourcing offshore in Vietnam, and how you can avoid those pitfalls.

🌎 What companies would this work for?

Basically, any company can benefit from software development services in Vietnam. Vietnamese specialists will help you develop websites, mobile apps or computer software at affordable prices.

🤓 Are software development specialists in Vietnam skilled enough?

Yes. Vietnamese software developers are known for their skills, as they always stay up-to-date and continue their education in the sphere. When ordering software development services from Vietnamese specialists, you can be sure you will get a high-quality end product.

📲 How will I communicate with my offshore software development team?

All communication can take place through the Internet with the help of email, messenger platforms or even video conferences. No worries – there will be no problems with the language. The majority of Vietnamese IT developers speak good English.

📝 Will I have to hire offshore software developers officially?

In most cases, companies prefer signing a temporary contract with offshore developers in order to finalize a certain project, such as a mobile app development. Nevertheless, if you are in need of software development services on a permanent basis, you can easily hire a team of developers and make them a part of your company.

What are the Best Practices of find Software Development Offshore?

For you to work smoothly by outsourcing in Vietnam, you must be careful to avoid the risks of offshore software development. You must be well prepared in advance by doing your research first.

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Develop and install secure working practices and standards to govern your working relationship with your partners and software developers. Having a rough idea of what you expect to find in outsourcing companies in Vietnam will increase your positive outcomes. But first, you need to check the following summary of best practices:

  • Study the industry –Study the industry and the market. Seek to find the expectations of the customers and consumer behavior. Find out the kind of competition you are bound to meet and prospective strategies or technologies that you must apply to triumph;
  • Create a roadmap – Create a clear roadmap of your business, which includes step-by-step milestones that your company intends to meet in a specific period. This will help you to adhere to the set policies and laws/regulations of Vietnam;
  • Come up with mockups – Prepare mockups and sketches of your product, now and in the future. This will grant you a picture-perfect picture of what your products will be in the future, for purposes of continuity;
  • Research available outsourcing models – Take time to study the best outsourcing models available for you and determine the best skills that you require for your company and that suits you 100%;
  • Create a project requirement document – This is a document that will stipulate the quality standards of your business or company.

Want to outsource IT projects in Vietnam ?

The bread-and-butter of working with companies in Vietnam is founded on your opportunity to offer the fastest and most robust products and services to consumers. Moreover, many technology companies, which offer web-based products and services, including web apps and related products, have no choice than to compete with other impressive competitors in developed countries, such as China. This simply means that innovation is the only solution, and Vietnam is striving to create a strong niche in this industry, by and large.

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In the technology world, you have to rest on your laurels. Whether patents safeguard your products and services, you will still have to revolutionize with the current trend and develop your value position in the market. Nevertheless, you must remain dedicated to your lineup of unique products and services, even as you continue expanding them with respect to technology.

CEO’s of companies, who seek to partner with Vietnam companies or outsourcing in Vietnam, are continually scratching their heads because of the rising demand for IT-related projects. This means that they must have an IT offshore developer by their side and a lot of knowledge of the industry.

Vietnam has a lot to offer and is becoming one of the leading countries, with thousands of companies that provide cutting-edge software outsourcing services, now and in the future. What are you waiting for?

Each case is different, so let’s connect and see if I can refer you to a great IT company.

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