Open-Source Software vs. Proprietary Software | O8

From the list above, you’ll notice that there are about equal pros and cons for each class of software. This parity alludes to the fact that each one might thrive in specific scenarios while faltering in others.

Let’s break down the main differences between the two based on their strengths and weaknesses.


Open-source software often comes with many features due to so many people contributing to the code base and the almost unlimited scope of an open-source project.

Proprietary software often has limited functionality due to focusing resources on easily commercialized and maintained features.


Open-source software is free software, so the upfront cost is low. However, customizations, maintenance, and support add a cost component to it.

Proprietary software has a high upfront and ongoing cost. However, these costs can be offset if the vendor offers support and maintenance.

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Flexibility (Customizations)

Open-source software is heralded for its easy customizability. With an open-source code base, it is easier to make deep customizations that provide highly specialized functionality.

Proprietary software is considered rigid due to inbuilt customization limitations like a restricted source code, hard-coded features, and locked-in product scope.


Open-source software platforms like Drupal and WordPress have hundreds of community-made plugins, some paid but most free, extending the core product.

Lack of such resources makes extending proprietary software difficult, even though sometimes the software vendor might invite the community to develop additional non-core extensions (like Adobe Photoshop plugins).


Open-source software platforms are typically more secure because of the sheer number of eyeballs scanning the code. Fixes are also often quick because of enthusiastic community members.

Proprietary software tends to have more exploits, although they aren’t as visible because of code restrictions. In this sense, this software is secure because no one has found the exploits (yet).


Open-source solutions have extensive integration capabilities again because of the unlimited nature of product development. Community members can include integration capabilities (APIs) simply because they can.

Proprietary software usually has limited integrations due to its rigid nature. Nevertheless, most ISVs will provide an extensive list of available integrations and usually provide new ones on request.


Open-source software has a tremendous number of free and paid templates, themes, and libraries provided by a community of developers.

Proprietary software often has a limited number of templates due to the limited resources and scope of services most provide. However, most offer features that allow end-users to develop custom templates or themes.

User Experience / Developer Experience

Open-source software platforms like Drupal are typically not user-friendly because they mainly focus on back-end programmers. Others, like WordPress, have a more user-friendly experience, although at a high cost to customizability.

Proprietary software is built with the end-user in mind, so most have excellent user experiences. Also, developer-facing features are designed and built for ease of use.