Power Rangers: Legacy Wars
I really love this game and the characters in the game made me think about the shows they where in and I would watch the shows again my favorite show is the power rangers wild force, the controls are really simple and very good and the attacks are good as well the powerful attack in my opinion depends on how much the attack lasts for and how much damage it does continuously like Koda’s assist he throws his shield and it hits the enemy continuously and stays in place for a bit or if you are playing as Danny which he has 3 attacks that are really powerful, I haven’t made it that far in the story due to how much time I spend on other games on other consoles and forget about my mobile games but I’m still playing this and here’s the problem though, there isn’t all of the power rangers and villains from all series I noticed that Danny is the only wild force ranger in the game and there is only 3 rangers from Dino charge and two villains from it and so on with the others i felt a little disappointed but it still had my favorite characters in the game but I also recommend that you focus more on adding the rangers and villains and their attacks it would be really great to see how Max would be as a fighter in the game