Requirements Engineering — Requirements Specification (Part 3)

Requirements Engineering — Requirements Specification (Part 3)

Writing down the user and system requirements into a document.

Requirements Specification

It’s the process of writing down the user and system requirements into a document. The requirements should be clear, easy to understand, complete, and consistent.

User Requirements

The user requirements for a system should describe the functional and non-functional requirements so that they are understandable by users who don’t have technical knowledge.

System Requirements

The system requirements on the other hand are an expanded version of the user requirements that are used by software engineers as the starting point for the system design.

Ways of Writing Requirements Specification

As we’ve mentioned, there are different ways to specify the requirements. The most two common ways are natural and structured languages.

Natural Language Specification

It’s a way of writing the requirements in normal plain text, there is no defined format by default.

  • Create your own format for writing the requirements. For example, you can write the requirements in this format:
  • When we say “a system”, this word is very vague, we need to define exactly the part of the system that will take care of this requirement.
  • We may highlight the important keywords.
  • Don’t use abbreviations and acronyms, and If you want to, you have to add what’s called “Appendix”. It defines all the abbreviations and acronyms in your specification and their relevant meaning.

Structured Language Specification

It’s a way of writing the requirements in a more formal and structured form.

Software Requirements Document

The software requirements document (also called software requirements specification or SRS) is an official document of what should be implemented. It’s also used as a contract between the system buyer and the software developers.

Users of the requirements document and how they use it— From Software Engineering, 9th edition, Chapter 4, by Ian Sommerville