Requirements validation – requirements engineering

  1. Chapter 1 –

    Requirements Engineering
    Requirements Engineering
    Mutah University
    Faculty of IT, Department of Software Engineering
    Dr. Ra’Fat A. AL-msie’deen
    [email protected]

  2. Requirements validation
     Requirements

    validation is the process of checking that
    requirements define the system that the customer really
     It overlaps with elicitation and analysis, as it is
    concerned with finding problems with the requirements.
     Requirements validation is critically important because
    errors in a requirements document can lead to extensive
    rework costs when these problems are discovered
    during development or after the system is in service.

  3. Requirements validation …

     The cost of fixing a requirements problem by making a
    system change is usually much greater than repairing
    design or coding errors.
     A change to the requirements usually means that the
    system design and implementation must also be
     Furthermore, the system must then be retested.

  4. Requirements validation …

     Concerned with demonstrating that the requirements
    define the system that the customer really wants.
     Requirements error costs are high so validation is very
     Fixing a requirements error after delivery may cost up
    to 100 times the cost of fixing an implementation

  5. Requirements checking
     During

    the requirements validation process, different
    types of checks should be carried out on the
    requirements in the requirements document. These
    checks include:
     Validity checks
     These check that the requirements reflect the real
    needs of system users. Because of changing
    circumstances, the user requirements may have
    changed since they were originally elicited.

  6. Requirements checking …

     During the requirements validation process, different
    types of checks should be carried out on the
    requirements in the requirements document. These
    checks include:
     Consistency checks
     Requirements in the document should not conflict.
    That is, there should not be contradictory constraints
    or different descriptions of the same system function.

  7. Requirements checking …

     During the requirements validation process, different
    types of checks should be carried out on the
    requirements in the requirements document. These
    checks include:
     Completeness checks
     The requirements document should include
    requirements that define all functions and the
    constraints intended by the system user.

  8. Requirements checking …

     During the requirements validation process, different
    types of checks should be carried out on the
    requirements in the requirements document. These
    checks include:
     Realism checks
     By using knowledge of existing technologies, the
    requirements should be checked to ensure that they
    can be implemented within the proposed budget for
    the system.
     These checks should also take account of the budget
    and schedule for the system development.

  9. Requirements checking …

     During the requirements validation process, different
    types of checks should be carried out on the
    requirements in the requirements document. These
    checks include:
     Verifiability
     To reduce the potential for dispute between customer
    and contractor, system requirements should always
    be written so that they are verifiable.
     This means that you should be able to write a set of
    tests that can demonstrate that the delivered system
    meets each specified requirement.

  10. Requirements checking …

     Validity.
     Does the system provide the functions which best
    support the customer’s needs?
     Consistency.
     Are there any requirements conflicts?
     Completeness.
     Are all functions required by the customer included?
     Realism.
     Can the requirements be implemented given available
    budget and technology
     Verifiability.
     Can the requirements be checked? 11

  11. Requirements validation techniques

    A number of requirements validation techniques can be
    used individually or in conjunction with one another:
     Requirements reviews
     The requirements are analyzed systematically by a
    team of reviewers who check for errors and

  12. Requirements validation techniques

    … cont.
     A number of requirements validation techniques can be
    used individually or in conjunction with one another:
     Prototyping
     This involves developing an executable model of a
    system and using this with end-users and customers
    to see if it meets their needs and expectations.
     Stakeholders experiment with the system and feed
    back requirements changes to the development team.

  13. Requirements validation techniques

    … cont.
     A number of requirements validation techniques can be
    used individually or in conjunction with one another:
     Test-case generation
     Requirements should be testable. If the tests for the
    requirements are devised as part of the validation
    process, this often reveals requirements problems.
     If a test is difficult or impossible to design, this usually
    means that the requirements will be difficult to
    implement and should be reconsidered.
     Developing tests from the user requirements before
    any code is written is an integral part of test-driven
    development. 14

  14. Requirements validation techniques

    … cont.
     Requirements reviews
     Systematic manual analysis of the requirements.
     Prototyping
     Using an executable model of the system to check
     Test-case generation
     Developing tests for requirements to check testability.

  15. Abstract analysis of

     You should not underestimate the problems involved in
    requirements validation.
     Ultimately, it is difficult to show that a set of requirements
    does in fact meet a user’s needs.
     Users need to picture the system in operation and
    imagine how that system would fit into their work.
     It is hard even for skilled computer professionals to
    perform this type of abstract analysis and harder still for
    system users.

  16. Requirements changes &

    requirements problems
     As a result, you rarely find all requirements problems
    during the requirements validation process.
     Inevitably, further requirements changes will be needed
    to correct omissions and misunderstandings after
    agreement has been reached on the requirements

  17. Requirements reviews
     Regular

    reviews should be held while the requirements
    definition is being formulated.
     Both client and contractor staff should be involved in
     Reviews may be formal (with completed documents) or
     Good communications between developers, customers
    and users can resolve problems at an early stage.

  18. Review checks
     Verifiability

    Is the requirement realistically testable?
     Comprehensibility
     Is the requirement properly understood?
     Traceability
     Is the origin of the requirement clearly stated?
     Adaptability
     Can the requirement be changed without a large
    impact on other requirements?

  19. Reference – Text

     Software Engineering (l0th Edition) – by Ian Sommerville.
    Addison Wesley, 2015, ISBN-10: 0137035152.
     Chapter 4.

  20. Chapter 1 –

    Requirements Engineering
    Requirements Engineering
    Mutah University
    Faculty of IT, Department of Software Engineering
    Dr. Ra’Fat A. AL-msie’deen
    [email protected]