Robert Kiyosaki warns a ‘Giant crash coming,’ the time to buy gold, silver and bitcoin is now

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(Kitco News)
Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has issued a warning to investors following the recent wave of layoffs at tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook, telling his 2.3 million Twitter followers that a major market crash has arrived.

“CRASH is here,” Kiyosaki tweeted on Friday. “Silicon Valley first dominos fall laying off 144,000 in 2022. 66,000 more [in] 2023.” The author and entrepreneur added that Stansberry Research predicts a Valentine’s Day Massacre and warned that “Everything will crash including prices [of] gold, silver, [and] bitcoin.”

Kiyosaki went on to tell his readers to not panic, as this is actually “good news,” adding that he intends to buy more gold, silver, and bitcoin – which he refers to as real money – “with fake [money].”

After the impending drop, the Rich Dad Poor Dad author believes the Federal Reserve will be forced to print billions to prop up markets, further expanding the nation’s debt and eroding the value of the dollar.

Warnings from Kiyosaki have become more frequent in 2023, with the author asking his followers at the end of January, “What is worse than a great depression?”, to which he answered, “A global recession.”

“Unfortunately we are in a global recession,” he added. “Hang on. Rough landing for [the] world. BAD NEWS Bankruptcy, Unemployment, Homelessness soar. Retirements toast. GOOD NEWS. Bargains everywhere. Gold, Silver, BC PRICELESS.”

Kiyosaki pointed to the rising prices of gold, silver and bitcoin in January as evidence that financial conditions in the U.S. are deteriorating, saying that their prices are climbing higher due to the “US poor and middle class getting poorer [and] deeper in bad debt.” He went on to beseech his followers to not “get poorer” and “at least buy one silver coin,” saying, “Only $30 and start to get richer.”

To ensure that his readers got the message, Kiyosaki posted a fresh warning on Monday that stressed the fact that a “giant crash [is] coming.”

As is his custom, Kiyosaki implored his followers to store their wealth in gold and silver, which he calls “God’s money”, or Bitcoin, which he calls the “people’s money.”