RoboLogix – 2023 Reviews, Pricing, Features

RoboLogix Overview

Turn your computer into a fully functional 3D industrial robot using RoboLogix simulation software from Logic Design, Inc. The software empowers users to create, test, run, and de-bug programs that operate a five-axis industrial robot. Potential applications include palletizing, painting, and welding. You can also create custom environments that accommodate numerous robotic functions. RoboLogix is primarily an educational tool and is used by large and small schools and training facilities.

Affordability is one of the top features of the RoboLogix computer-aided engineering application. This CAE software package allows educational institutions to provide students, designers, and engineers with knowledge and experience without investing in physical equipment. According to Logic Design, the software can save colleges and universities tens of thousands of dollars that they would ordinarily spend on physical robotic devices.

Safety is another attractive feature of the app. RoboLogix can emulate all the robotics functions that you’d expect to find in a real-world corporate setting. Moreover, the equipment is virtual, so users can experiment without causing tangible damage.

You can use the built-in assembly simulator to learn programming principles. For instance, after entering a command for a palletizing routine or similar function, you see how it affects the system in real time. The software also provides for both geometry and kinematics modeling while rendering simulations of 3D motion.

Finite element analysis (FEA) is another attractive RoboLogix feature. Users can use the software to predict how their virtual products will react to forces such as heat, vibration, the flow of fluid, and other physical characteristics. The feature gives you a way to test a product for functionality, quality, and durability.

Finally, RoboLogix includes a control panel that gives users an easy way to control the virtual robot. Using it, you can pick up and track objects and return them to a particular location via either jogging commands or custom presets. A separate control panel provides twelve CAM keys that allow you to view your project from multiple angles. These are useful for programming and debugging arm and gripper positions. You can also use the cameras to see an overview of your virtual environment.

Pricing for RoboLogix comes at two levels. The first is the software-only option. The other provides a bundle that includes the licensed software and a robotics technician computer-based training course.

The 13 interactive multimedia modules that comprise the CBT introduce users to the basic concepts of industrial robotics. It also teaches users how to program the robot, create custom applications, troubleshoot designs, and use the camera system.

The CBT integrates with RoboLogix and gives students the ability to seamlessly switch between learning and lab modes. Essentially, it enhances the learning experience by supplementing the traditional classroom experience with a self-service training option.

You can try RoboLogix for free for 30 days. During this risk-free trial period, you can assess how well the software will fit into your learning environment.

Whether you’re a college, university, or corporate training facility, RoboLogix gives your students a way to learn the principles of industrial robotics while minimizing your use of financial resources and space. Safety, convenience, and ease of use make this application a favorite in the academic community.