Room Views Method

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Room Views Method

The Room Views method should be used to expedite the batch creation of views (and optionally sheets) that are room-based. Some of the tasks possible with this method include:

  • Batch create many elevation views that are named per the room name, number, and orientation
  • Same as above, but also place them on a sheet
  • Batch create many enlarged floor and/or ceiling plans per room
  • Batch create sheets with elevations, enlarged plan, 3d view, and ceiling plan per each selected room

Rooms View method for IdeateApps ViewCreator

The Room Views method of creating new views begins with selecting one or more rooms within the Revit project. If you are using this method you will notice at the top of the Select Rooms dialog, that you have an option to specify the phase and the level. After adjusting both as needed, a list of any rooms associated with that level and phase will display. 

By default this list will exclude rooms where an elevation view marker already exists. You can uncheck this option if needed. 

Select Rooms to create new Revit views

There are two layout options available as shown below. The choice here will impact whether or not the newly created views will also be placed on a sheet. You can learn more about the Room Rule or Clone Sheet layouts in this topic: Room View Layout Options

Choose Room Layout option to automatically create Revit elevations

After the layout option is selected, the next step is to Preview & Create the views.

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