Samourai Wallet Review 2023 – Available Coins, Wallet Features, User Reviews


The Samourai wallet is rich with features even though it is only a Bitcoin wallet. Since the wallet is so specialized, it’s useful features are specific to holding and transacting Bitcoin and are quite advanced compared with many other more generic cryptocurrency wallets. See Samourai’s various features in the points below.

One of Samourai’s many advanced features is the ability to increase the transaction fee to speed up your transactions. The fee is set at the standard rate, but users can increase this fee, so their transaction is completed ahead of others.

  • Private Transactions

Samourai has a strong emphasis on user privacy and this is evident through their transaction process. When transacting your Bitcoin, Samourai uses a new address every time in order to protect your metadata and prevent people from identifying you, your transactional amounts, and number of Bitcoins you own.

  • Tor & VPN Support

Another feature related to privacy is the Tor and VPN support. Using Tor or a VPN, users can use an anonymous IP address that’s not tied to you or your location.

  • SegWit Support

Samourai was one of the first wallets to implement SegWit, a transactional upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol that enables lower transaction costs for you and other users. It also speeds up transactions and is a necessary feature for the implementation of the Lightning Network in the future.

  • BIP 47

This is another transactional protocol feature in which enables privacy with public payment addresses. The way it works is, a payment channel between two wallets is opened by scanning a public payment code. This creates a special transaction on the blockchain in which you can send Bitcoin to another wallet anonymously without knowing the address you’re sending to.

  • Ricochet

This is yet another type of transaction that improves privacy and fungibility by confusing people who spy on the blockchain. This feature can help prevent transactions from being traced. Which can help in situations when banks or exchanges freeze suspicious transactions.

  • SMS Commands

Users can remotely interact with their wallet via sending SMS codes to their wallet. They can even retrieve their wallet using another mobile device or wipe it clean if their mobile phone is stolen.

  • Trusted Node

Another unique feature is the ability to send transactions by connecting to your own node by entering in the IP address and port of the node. By default, Samourai uses their own Iceland based Bitcoin nodes, but users can use their own if they enable this feature.

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