Scientific Software | Computing


art is an event-processing framework for particle physics experiments. In all previous experiments at Fermilab, and in most previous experiments elsewhere, infrastructure software (i.e., the framework, broadly construed) has been written in-house by each experiment, and each implementation has been tightly coupled to that experiment’s code. This tight coupling has made it difficult to share the framework among experiments, resulting in both great duplication of effort and mixed quality. art was created as a way to share a single framework across many experiments. In particular, the design of art draws a clear boundary between the framework and the user code. The art framework (and other aspects of the infrastructure) is developed and maintained by software engineers who are specialists in the field of particle physics infrastructure software. This provides a robust, professionally maintained foundation upon which physicists can develop the code for their experiments. Read more about art Framework.

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artdaq is a data acquisition software toolkit for particle physics experiments. It provides common, reusable components for DAQ systems and allows experimenters to focus on the experiment-specific parts of their system such as the communication with detector electronics and the online filtering and monitoring of the data. It makes use of the art event-processing framework to provide the real-time processing of data.  Read more about artdaq.





LArSoft is a collaboration of experiments, Fermilab and other stakeholders that develop and support a shared base of experiment-independent simulation, reconstruction and analysis software for neutrino and test beam experiments that use liquid argon (LAr) time projection chambers. The collaboration aims to provide the capabilities, sophistication and scaling necessary to support LArTPC-based collaborative science over the next decade, including all planned and running LAr experiments at Fermilab. Read more about LArSoft.



Scientific Linux is a Linux distribution produced by Fermilab. It is a free and open source operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Our primary user base is within the High Energy and High Intensity Physics community.  However, our users come from a wide variety of industries with various use cases all over the globe. Read more about Scientific Linux.


Simulation Software


Simulation software is a set of tools and applications for experiments and projects associated with the Fermilab scientific program. We develop and support accelerator simulation packages, such as Synergia; detector simulation toolkits, such as Geant4; and physics event generators, such as Pythia (colliders) and GENIE (neutrinos). We also perform R&D work to test and eventually re-engineer some of these tools to exploit the benefits of modern coprocessor computer hardware architectures.

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