Simphony – Oracle Hosted — Yellow Dog Software Help


Yellow Dog Inventory can provide a 2-way integration (push in items and process sales) with Oracle Hosted Simphony 2.9+ Premier or Standard.  

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog pushes item data and pulls code using Simphony’s API. Simphony exports sales file that Yellow Dog reads to deplete inventory.

The sync can be run fro any location where it can also reach the API.


Yellow Dog can be scheduled to create and update items to the API at any any interval. By default this is set to be done hourly.

Sales exports are provided form Simphony once per day.



Net 4.6.2 must be installed where the sync will run.

POS Partner

Each Simphony database location will have to be configured to generate the standard daily GLID file and publish to an ftp location. This location, agreed upon by Oracle/Micros, Yellow Dog Software, and the customer, is where the GLID will be picked up by the sync application. In most cases, Yellow Dog Software can provide this ftp location.

  • Access to transaction services from the POS is not required.

Yellow Dog

In order to push items to and pull code data from the API, we require the following:

  • Security Service URL

  • Data Service URL

  • EMC User

    • User must have a minimum of the permissions selected below: